Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?

nd Was thinking about buying Crysis now I have a new PC and what not so I downloaded the demo and was able to run everything on High and V High at 1920x1200 so I was like cool. Was running about enjoying it all till I got to that bit where your on like a slope and and come across the real Korean little base place. Was finding it awsome with the graphics hiding in amongst trees and stuff and then like shooting them silently but then it all seemed to go **** up, it seemed to take like 6-7 shot straight to the body to actually kill someone with the machine gun thing. I found this totally ruined the whole experience of being stealthy and what not. I am pretty sure all my bullets were hitting and when even in close combat it seemed to take an insane amount of bullets to actually kill someone. Does it really take this many bullets in Crysis to kill someone or am I just doing something very wrong or missing something? Thanks.Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
Depends on the difficulty, but it's 1 shot to the head. Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
[QUOTE=''RcV2'']Was finding it awsome with the graphics hiding in amongst trees and stuff and then like shooting them silently but then it all seemed to go **** up, it seemed to take like 6-7 shot straight to the body to actually kill someone with the machine gun thing. I found this totally ruined the whole experience of being stealthy and what not. I am pretty sure all my bullets were hitting and when even in close combat it seemed to take an insane amount of bullets to actually kill someone.Does it really take this many bullets in Crysis to kill someone or am I just doing something very wrong or missing something?Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Aim for the head all the time. The body armour on the enemies in Crysis seems to be pretty heavy. Its usually a one hit kill to the head with pretty much any weapon. I'm not sure if helmets are a factor too. They might be.

Hope I helped. :)
In Delta -I see no reason to play in lower dif. levels- :1-Silencers reduces your damage. I suggest to disable it for killing faster.2-Full auto firing increased the cone of spread of bullets. Use selective fire -single shot- and Strenght mode to reduce the recoil. 3-Usually human targets die in 1 face shot or 2 helmet shot. Try to aim to legs, also, because chest is protected by body armor in most cases. Back usually takes 2-3 shots. All of this talking about the SCAR and FY damage. Sniper Rifle usually kills in 1 to 2 chest shots or 1 headshot. Elite KPA soldiers will need 2 headshots with Sniper Rifle or Gauss Rifle to be killed (3 in the chest or limbs). 4-In mp, Gauss is insta kill in bot chest and head shots, 2 shots in legs or arms. Main weapons -sub-machine gun, FY, SCAR- can kill in 7-8 hits if they shot in limbs; headshots usually takes 2-3 impacts. 5-Yes, aparently weapons aren't as lethal in Crysis -because the amount of impacts to kill- but the firing rate is VERY high and in the campaign aimed shots to heads and limbs can cut throught KPA and lesser aliens like a hot knife cuts an ice cream.
Well, Silencer+Kevlar= Infinite shotsI want what they're wearing.Otherwise it's about 4 shots. 1 to the head.
Or you could just install the real weapons mod.Makes bullets lethal!
I don't know about you but it takes me like 3 headshots to kill someone with a non-silenced gun. It might be my fps though...
They fixed that with the first patch I think, now it only takes one shot to the head or a few to the chest
Another tactic I like to use is create a loud noise to get the enemies attention. Then you stealth. As the enemies group up and cautiously walk to the source of the sound, throw a grenade in the middle of them. Then you open fire, aiming at thier legs, preventing them from fleeing effectivly. If the shots don't kill them, the grenade will. And survivors will be scattered for easy picking. :)
Okay then thank you, will probably still buy the game

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