I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.Terran Goliath vs Tau Crisis Suit
Tau Crysis suit
[QUOTE=''Doom_HellKnight'']I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.[/QUOTE]+1
Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?
Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?
Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.
The Crisis Suit becaue it can target lock on the goliat and destroy it before it gets to close
it pains me to say this, but the Tau techno-heresy contraption would win. its more manuverable than the goliath and packs far more powerful weaponry.
[QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]All for the greater good,
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]That poor poor diplomat. :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]Yeah, they did that. That's not the only example of stupidity from them. They fought a group of Slaaneshi Chaos marines at one point, and they thought the Champion of Chaos leading them was Slaanesh, so they actually thought they had killed the infamous Slaanesh when they mopped up all the marines.Anyway, like I said, it's plot armor. Anytime it looks like the Tau could be in trouble over something coming their way, something else happens that saves their asses. I saw a post on the Soulstorm forum which summarized it pretty well.''Practically all pre-waaagh Tau fluff revolves around them doing nothing but kicking ass and taking names all in the name of blind luck. Oh, the Imperium was going to wipe them out when they were in the stone age, but, woops, a warp storm isolates them for thousands of years and let's them survive. Well, they can't possibly be that much of a threat...woops, the eldar arguably organize them and gift them with advanced tech. Well, that's okay, I mean, the Tau are surrounded by enemies...woops, all those enemies act as a buffer to shield the Tau (until now). Well, that's alright, because here the Imperium comes with the Damocles Crusade...woops, Hive Fleet Behemoth comes and causes it to be diverted after only capturing a few worlds! Well, no biggy, all it means is that the Tyranids will eat them...woops, Tau don't have much of a warp presence, so apparently the Tyranids can't find them to eat them, and lord forbid they ever get genestealer cults. Oops, and because of their limited warp presence, Chaos can barely affect them!''They've also accomplished things they never realistically should have (shame on whatever fluff-writers thought them up), like defeating a Tyranid fleet without losing a single ship (it undoubtedly had to be a really small splinter fleet, but that's still absurd since the Tau have some of the least advanced space warfare technology, and are overall the weakest race of them all at space warfare, so they never should have been able to make such an accomplishment).I guess the fluff writers finally got the message through their thick skulls that fans were tired of such a comparatively weak race defying logic and coming out on top at every turn, so they sent a WAAAGH! their way that's giving them some trouble finally.
Oh, and by the way, we might as well count every vote for the Goliath as a vote for ''Methinks I don't know enough.'' Those who voted for it either did so because they are Starcraft fanboys, or because they're comparing them based on their units in their respective games, meaning they're either biased, not knowledgeable enough to make the call, or both. There's simply no question that a Crisis Suit in canon would murder a Goliath.
[QUOTE=''madrocketeer'']Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?[/QUOTE]Off-topic - Keep clicking the Goliath unit, and you'll get a reference to it in Starcraft.On-topic - The Tau Crysis suit, since it's designed to be a mobile weapons platform, good against infantry, vehicles, aircraft etc.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]So true.
YEA the TAu would own the goliath. But if the goliath was real in 40k i think it would be pretty sweet, 2 autocannons and what could be a assult cannon (its like a setinel on steroids!!!) YEA IMP GUARD
[QUOTE=''gogators4life''][QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?[/QUOTE]Can somebody get me a translation devise here!On a serious note:The Tau would win. The suit would be out maneuvering the Goliath, and all the weapons would be able to target it on the move.
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