Title: THE RISE OF MANGenre: Real Time TacticsPlatform: PC (duh)The plot: It is the land before time. Set approximately 100,000 years ago, THE RISE OF MAN (caps necesary dammit) is a top-down, real-time tactics game where the player assumes the role of one Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Its name, sex, size, and traits are up to you, the player. It is your job to survive. You must hunt, fish, eat, sleep, and most importantly think in order to stay alive.Early gameplay is composed of a Diablo-esque focus on your one human, collecting food, making weapons, staying alive. All from top-down third person point-and-click.Here's the real selling point of the game: The world you inhabit is one utterly massive, consistent plane, a fully rendered depiction of Ancient Europa, from the Iberian peninsula (Spain) to the Caucasus mountains by the Black Sea. All across this immense game world are randomly scattered herds of animals, groups of humans, and the kicker: tribes of Neanderthals.Eventually it is up to you to conquer and become leader of a group of humans, and to live out your life according to your own doctrines. But first, to become a cheiftain, you can either come into a group and duel the current leader, or attempt to display your thinking prowess by showing off the tools you have. Or you could simply attempt to join the group and work your way up the heirarchy, and wait for a peaceful sucession of power. It's up to you. As you become a leader, the gameplay evolves into an RTS on the scale of Company of Heroes (rarely more than 30 people under your command, minus tanks).With your tribe you will hunt large creatures such as mammoths in complex plans laid out by yourself, but by far the most rigorous of your challenges will be the war with Neanderthals. These burly people are both tougher and stronger than you and your men, and it will be a real tactical feat to oust these primitive warrior people in combat.In this consistent world you can choose to live a nomadic life on the move, or eventually settle in a cave/construct primitive structures to live from. You save the game when you sleep. Game days are approximately 30 minutes long, and your game lasts until your character ages to the ripe old age of 25 when he will die from old age. Or you could die before then. In this consitent world you have only one life. Protect it at all costs. If your character dies, all of his save games are deleted.All the while you were playing, the game was secretly tallying up everything you do, and in the end you will get a score for your performance based on damage taken over the years, damage dealt, technology aquired, and other stuff like that. Your score is posted on the global leaderboard.Well? Do you like my idea? It's the product of one extremely boring math class's worth of day-dreaming. Feel free to approve, dissaprove, make suggestions and the like.OK GUYS I have a unique game idea help me flesh it out please!
''The world you inhabit is one utterly massive, consistent plane, a fully rendered depiction of Ancient Europa, from the Iberian peninsula (Spain) to the Caucasus mountains by the Black Sea. All across this immense game world are randomly scattered herds of animals, groups of humans, and the kicker: tribes of Neanderthals.'' good luck getting enough 3d models and enough level designers to do this without being boring and repetitive. fact is, the larger the world is the more man power you need, and the harder it is to make the game fun simply because you need exponentially more contenteidt: but i do like the concept OK GUYS I have a unique game idea help me flesh it out please!
Good point Teldath, I guess I just sorta wanted a map big enough to give the player a feeling of both exploration and a sense of weight in deciding to make a long journey. maybe something more like 500x500 square miles, big enough for all that stuff, but small enough to still be managable.
I like the idea of the game in general but i'm not sure about losing all save games when dead. Although it does add realism, I think it might put quite a few people off. Maybe that could just be an option or only on the harder difficulties. But great idea in general.
Yeah I know what you mean Darkhorse, good call on making that a setting for difficulties. I love it when games do more than just tweak stats for raising difficulty.Does anyone have any ideas for multiplayer?
I think your idea is missing some pretty crucial elements.For starters, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of motivation, either in the micro or macro scale. Why should the player have to do these things? Whats the point? Whats the goal? Company of Heroes's goals for its singleplayer is to prepare you for multiplayer, tell a story, and reward you with new units. Diablo's goal come from frequent loot drops, the customization and power of your character with each new level, and to tell a story. The only motivation you've given for doing all of these things is the reward of exploration - which is a very, very weak motivator.You speak in terms too vague and qualitative like ''it will be very hard to take these guys down'' and ''complex plans needed to acheive this.'' Well.... Ok... how? What kind of planning is required? Is it just good use of cover and hard counters like Company of Heroes? Or do you need to make detailed plans like the older Rainbow Six's that needed a good 10 or 20 minutes of looking at floorplans and designing pathways? Most importantly, whats makes this planning aspect fun?As for the aging, im not sure you've really thought it through. 25 years of 365 days at 30 minutes each day, works out to around 190 days of real life time. If the intent it to live for that long, i think its pretty ridiculous that death via actions would erase your guy after putting in thousands of hours.The whole die = lose saved data is a poor idea unless the entire game can be completed in around an hour. Think about Oblivion having that system, as compared to, say, Left4dead.Overall, the game soundslike a lot of work, for very little reward, based on everything you've written. It wouldn't make for a very fun game.
EDIT: Maybe that sounded too harsh.....So Xaosll how would you make a game in this setting fun? Gimme ur ideas plz
[QUOTE=''Uncle_Uzi''] Well Xaosll, I would NEVER want you on a team that conceptualizes things. Why? Becuse you're arguing very specific mechanics when we're simply discussing broad ideas. Did you want me to plan everything out, right here, giving numerical damage values for Spear X or Arrow Y? Why would I do that?I don't know about you but I don't think that kind of stuff belongs on a conceptual level discussion.What's fundamentally wrong with it? Do you lack the capability of inferring what taking down a mammoth in a RTS would be like? Do I have to paint out every ****ing picture for you? Is it that hard to imagine fighting strong but stupid neanderthals? Honestly it sounds like you're the kind of person who has no imagination whatsoever.I'm open to criticism but damn, you are just making a fool of yourself. Your only legitimate complaint is with that of the incentives of gameplay, but I think it would end up like a Total War game in the sense that you're not playing the Grand Campaign to win, but rather to enjoy the whole experience of it. Ideally the act of role playing an ancient man would be enjoyable enough to warrant replay. But to you, that's not enough. Have fun with your finite single player experiences. I will be playing the games that have multiple climaxes, whose events are determined by ME the player.[/QUOTE]Xaosll isn't making a fool of himself, he's just a bit brash and honesty is a what you're after here. He is right in one area though, and that's the motivators. Every game on the planet provides a reason for the player to play it - Dawn of War 2: For the lore, gore, loot and fun. Splinter Cell: For the thrills, story and style. If you can find some way of incorporating a great system into your game, such as a rudimentary crafting system where you can build something suitable for the time era: like discovering fire to then lead onto cooking, will lead to exponential growth in the rewards and progression. You are tackling an era which hasn't really been explored so kudos for originality! If you can use modern day concepts such as crafting, edge of your seat combat and a unique artstyle you could do well. But think about this just briefly: BECAUSE the era you are tackling is relatively fresh, gamers will be quite cautious of entering the game. Provide them some fun and achievement, reward them in a sense to make them comfortable...and BAM you hit them with what the crux of the game is about: survivability in a barren and dangerous world (much like Stalker, which pulled it off beautifully).
Im not asking for specific numbners. But you are lacking some pretty basic features found in any game worth playing - like a goal. You're not actually mentioning anything about what makes the game fun, when you break it down to its basic element.I dont care about the setting. I dont care about specific mechanics of arrows and spears and tribes and what they are or what they are called. They can be replaced by other objects and different time settings, but not the core mechanics of what actually makes the game fun. You're basically leaving the person reading it to fill in the gaps of their perception of what should be done. Thats not a game idea. Thats an idea that every person fills in the rest of it to make what they think is a game out of that.Do you want to paint a picture for me? I'd like that actually. It solidifies your idea. Is it that hard to imagine fighting strong neanderthals? Are we talking fighting them like in Company or Heroes heavily using cover, or Warcraft 3 focusing mostly on abilities, or Freedom Fighters wher the commander has only indirect control of his units via orders, or Age of Empires relying on hard counters? So, yes its actually pretty hard to imagine what you're thinking.As for the ''Grand Campaign'' spect of the game, doing it for the sake of doing it, isn't a very compelling reason. Its exactly why the grand campaign in M2:TW actually has a winning point, usually a far off province. Continous fighting rewards you with stronger Generals, more land, and new units. Since each faction tend to have pretty different units and are located in different landscapes, each faction you fight feels a little different, so you get a new experience in fighting enemies and new scenery. Replaying as a different faction really requires a change of strategy.In a handful of sentences i've just said about half the entire pitch of M2:TW if i were trying to get someone who is interested in buying it. The other half would be talking about the style of thegame and the RTS/TBS part. That too would only be a few sentences.If you were trying to sell the game to someone what would you tell them of your game? What are the important points? What would really, really want to make them play it over another game? Is it really just the setting as the most unique point? What would grab their intial interest? What would hold them for the long run?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
battlefield heroes beta woot
just got into the beta anyone else? i think its really great for a free game anyone else agree? it will defidently keep me occupied till 1943!battlefield heroes beta woot
I'm losing faith in the franchise frankly. Heroes is just a gimmick to keep players interested until 1943...and then allow EA to rake in cash off the franchise name and keep players occupied until Battlefield 3. I don't want incremental releases like this...I want a huge multiplayer experience that can only come from the next full instalment: Battlefield 3. So I'm saying, EA: Stop stalling for time you pansies....bite the bullet and try your best at pulling off one cracking release that the gamers really want.battlefield heroes beta woot
yeah it was a bit of a disapointmentn for me.its fine for a free game, but its no tf2.
I'm losing faith in the franchise frankly. Heroes is just a gimmick to keep players interested until 1943...and then allow EA to rake in cash off the franchise name and keep players occupied until Battlefield 3. I don't want incremental releases like this...I want a huge multiplayer experience that can only come from the next full instalment: Battlefield 3. So I'm saying, EA: Stop stalling for time you pansies....bite the bullet and try your best at pulling off one cracking release that the gamers really want.battlefield heroes beta woot
yeah it was a bit of a disapointmentn for me.its fine for a free game, but its no tf2.
Critical Hit Video
http://www.xfire.com/video/7287a/thats me. im not even geared. tell me wat u think. rate it too
anyone getting Puzzle Quest galactrix on PC?
i can't wait. i've loved the flash demo. i really like challenge of the warlordsi'm disapointed coz i wanted to get it on a portable but that version doesn't have onlinethe PC version does have online multiplayer, instant win thereso who's picking up puzzle quest galatrix next week for pc? if you havent played PQ before search for the demo, its funand on PC its only going to be $19.99blackheads scars
GTA4: Cafe computers not working on ';Coming out of the closet'; mission
I am at ''Coming out of the closet'' mission. Whenever I attempt to do the mission the computers at the cafes are not working. I press ''E'' near them, but nothing happens.What am I doing wrong? Please help me out. GTA4: Cafe computers not working on ';Coming out of the closet'; mission
lol dude dont use pirated gta4 copy....get original copy of gta4....GTA4: Cafe computers not working on ';Coming out of the closet'; mission
That pretty much sums it up. Stop pirating.
Kill the guy behind the the counter and kill a few of the patrons inside of the store. Kill anyone you want, but stop killing Rockstar's motivation to provide PC gamers with quality ports.
[QUOTE=''DGFreak'']Kill the guy behind the the counter and kill a few of the patrons inside of the store. Kill anyone you want, but stop killing Rockstar's motivation to provide PC gamers with quality ports. [/QUOTE]Amen. And FU (Florida University ;) ) shoxell.
[QUOTE=''shoxell'']I am at ''Coming out of the closet'' mission. Whenever I attempt to do the mission the computers at the cafes are not working. I press ''E'' near them, but nothing happens.What am I doing wrong? Please help me out. [/QUOTE]
Take a strong magnet and run it over your hard drive, this fixes the issue.
Folks, my copy is not pirated, or I am not using any external files or programs. The only thing that I use with my game is a trainer. But, I tried turning off that trainer too. Doesn't help. It's almost like something was changed in the game before and got autosaved wich may be affecting the mission. I saw it happen in NFS series games when I used trainer.So, once again, I am asking for any help or clue.
lol dude dont use pirated gta4 copy....get original copy of gta4....GTA4: Cafe computers not working on ';Coming out of the closet'; mission
That pretty much sums it up. Stop pirating.
Kill the guy behind the the counter and kill a few of the patrons inside of the store. Kill anyone you want, but stop killing Rockstar's motivation to provide PC gamers with quality ports.
[QUOTE=''DGFreak'']Kill the guy behind the the counter and kill a few of the patrons inside of the store. Kill anyone you want, but stop killing Rockstar's motivation to provide PC gamers with quality ports. [/QUOTE]Amen. And FU (Florida University ;) ) shoxell.
[QUOTE=''shoxell'']I am at ''Coming out of the closet'' mission. Whenever I attempt to do the mission the computers at the cafes are not working. I press ''E'' near them, but nothing happens.What am I doing wrong? Please help me out. [/QUOTE]
Take a strong magnet and run it over your hard drive, this fixes the issue.
Folks, my copy is not pirated, or I am not using any external files or programs. The only thing that I use with my game is a trainer. But, I tried turning off that trainer too. Doesn't help. It's almost like something was changed in the game before and got autosaved wich may be affecting the mission. I saw it happen in NFS series games when I used trainer.So, once again, I am asking for any help or clue.
Quick questions/downloading/recs.
Hey all. I am new to PC gaming. I wnted to know where i could find some freePC games. Maybe any old converted xbox games or psone/two games i could download.if nyone knows any cool sites i could go to or could send me some files that'd be awesome. Also what are some good PCgames you might recommend because ill be doing some serious shopping come payday. hahaha!
How violent is Crysis Warhead?
How violent is Crysis Warhead compared to Halo 3? Because I want to make sure it's not too much more violent then halo 3.
ThanksHow violent is Crysis Warhead?
[QUOTE=''MrPen9'']How violent is Crysis Warhead compared to Halo 3? Because I want to make sure it's not too much more violent then halo 3.
Thanks[/QUOTE] it has blood, but its not like gears of war or anything, id say its abit more gore then halo but not by muchHow violent is Crysis Warhead?
Well, I wouldn't say that Warhead is a lot more violent than Halo 3, but there is a lot more language and graphic scenes than Halo, and of course with the graphics, it's more realistic when you kill someone.
i think that there's actually the option to turn blood OFF in both of the Crysis games. Besides that, it's not much more violent at all than Halo 3.
I still can't believe Halo is rated M. The original wasn't bad at all... Crysis earns its M rating (probably because of all the cursing and there's some definite gore when you come across some koreans attack by Aliens), but you can turn off the blood.
not really at all, check my vid in my sig and you'll see.
not so much
Crysis Warhead isnt that violent, and ther eis also an option to turn the blood off.
It's not violent at all. Shame really, be fun to hear a Korean's back snap when you punch him with MAXIMUM STRENGTH!
Thank you all for the replys:)
ThanksHow violent is Crysis Warhead?
[QUOTE=''MrPen9'']How violent is Crysis Warhead compared to Halo 3? Because I want to make sure it's not too much more violent then halo 3.
Thanks[/QUOTE] it has blood, but its not like gears of war or anything, id say its abit more gore then halo but not by muchHow violent is Crysis Warhead?
Well, I wouldn't say that Warhead is a lot more violent than Halo 3, but there is a lot more language and graphic scenes than Halo, and of course with the graphics, it's more realistic when you kill someone.
i think that there's actually the option to turn blood OFF in both of the Crysis games. Besides that, it's not much more violent at all than Halo 3.
I still can't believe Halo is rated M. The original wasn't bad at all... Crysis earns its M rating (probably because of all the cursing and there's some definite gore when you come across some koreans attack by Aliens), but you can turn off the blood.
not really at all, check my vid in my sig and you'll see.
not so much
Crysis Warhead isnt that violent, and ther eis also an option to turn the blood off.
It's not violent at all. Shame really, be fun to hear a Korean's back snap when you punch him with MAXIMUM STRENGTH!
Thank you all for the replys:)
Cant post in Windows 7
I cannot post on this site when im on my Windows 7 beta drive. I keep getting the message about how I cant leave this box blank even though I obviously typed something. Anybody else get this message?Cant post in Windows 7
[QUOTE=''JuanGrande386'']I cannot post on this site when im on my Windows 7 beta drive. I keep getting the message about how I cant leave this box blank even though I obviously typed something. Anybody else get this message?[/QUOTE]This topic is more suitable for the PC Hardware discussion.
[QUOTE=''JuanGrande386'']I cannot post on this site when im on my Windows 7 beta drive. I keep getting the message about how I cant leave this box blank even though I obviously typed something. Anybody else get this message?[/QUOTE]This topic is more suitable for the PC Hardware discussion.
GTA IV where did the port go wrong ?
I recently installed GTA 4 and it seems to me that its not a very good port. Ive seen missing textures and its also a very hard game to run ... Ive got a Q6600 intel quad core, 4 gb of ram and an nvidia 9800 Gt and even at medium settings its still a little slow.GTA IV where did the port go wrong ?
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]GTA IV where did the port go wrong ?
Did you install both patches?
OK it isnt the best port but i must be one of the lucky ones as the game runs at a descent pace for me! Playing the game at 1440x900 with all details max except view distance which is at 32 and thats plenty enough and i only drop below 30fps when it gets crazy.
So im always suprised when i hear of people having real issues with it make sure you have the game patched up to 1.0.2 made it alot smoother for me. And i know there can always be something with someones setup that can make the game run different.
[QUOTE=''Timbury'']OK it isnt the best port but i must be one of the lucky ones as the game runs at a descent pace for me! Playing the game at 1440x900 with all details max except view distance which is at 32 and thats plenty enough and i only drop below 30fps when it gets crazy. So im always suprised when i hear of people having real issues with it make sure you have the game patched up to 1.0.2 made it alot smoother for me. And i know there can always be something with someones setup that can make the game run different.[/QUOTE] I honestly haven't bothered playing through it on the pc... I played it on PS3, completed it, and I have no inclination to go back through it... at all
Q6600 (stock), 4Gb RAM, 1Gb GTX280, everything maxed, or on high (except veiw distance at 46 or something) and I'm getting 20FPS or lower (60+ indoors).
Edit: I play at 1680x1050.Where did it go wrong?
''Let's port GTAIV to the PC''. That's where.
It's runs pretty good for my pc.
It went wrong when they gave Rockstar Toronto the porting job
[QUOTE=''The_PC_Gamer'']It went wrong when they gave Rockstar Toronto the porting job[/QUOTE]Should have had San Diego do it! :D
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]GTA IV where did the port go wrong ?
Did you install both patches?
OK it isnt the best port but i must be one of the lucky ones as the game runs at a descent pace for me! Playing the game at 1440x900 with all details max except view distance which is at 32 and thats plenty enough and i only drop below 30fps when it gets crazy.
So im always suprised when i hear of people having real issues with it make sure you have the game patched up to 1.0.2 made it alot smoother for me. And i know there can always be something with someones setup that can make the game run different.
[QUOTE=''Timbury'']OK it isnt the best port but i must be one of the lucky ones as the game runs at a descent pace for me! Playing the game at 1440x900 with all details max except view distance which is at 32 and thats plenty enough and i only drop below 30fps when it gets crazy. So im always suprised when i hear of people having real issues with it make sure you have the game patched up to 1.0.2 made it alot smoother for me. And i know there can always be something with someones setup that can make the game run different.[/QUOTE] I honestly haven't bothered playing through it on the pc... I played it on PS3, completed it, and I have no inclination to go back through it... at all
Q6600 (stock), 4Gb RAM, 1Gb GTX280, everything maxed, or on high (except veiw distance at 46 or something) and I'm getting 20FPS or lower (60+ indoors).
Edit: I play at 1680x1050.Where did it go wrong?
''Let's port GTAIV to the PC''. That's where.
It's runs pretty good for my pc.
It went wrong when they gave Rockstar Toronto the porting job
[QUOTE=''The_PC_Gamer'']It went wrong when they gave Rockstar Toronto the porting job[/QUOTE]Should have had San Diego do it! :D
I'm so sick of piracy
Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff, when they are the exact reason why developers put those there in the first place? I mean this sounds harsh, but how stupid can you people be? Apparently unbelievably stupid. That's right, you literally have to be a complete idiot to be a pirate. You like playing games, but don't even realize that you are ruining PC gaming as we know it. And if you try to defend piracy, don't bother, because that will just give away the fact that you are a pirate yourself, because the only people that actually support piracy are the pirates themselves.DRM is not a valid excuse people, because whenever a game doesn't have DRM or any copy protection on it it almost gets more pirated than one with it. World of Goo, Prince of Persia, Sins of a Solar Empire, all games that were pirated like crazy, yet didn't have any copy protection at all, so stop using that as an excuse. Also stop using the excuse it's a bad game so I'm not going to pay for it. That excuse makes no sense. How would you know it's bad until you play it, aka, you made the decision to pirate it before you know how good or not it was, and if you played the demo, then you should have known it was bad in the first place and just not bought it. Not to mention, if a game is bad, why play it in the first place? Oh I know, it's just another poor excuse.Just admit it pirates, the absolute only true reason you pirate games is because you don't want to pay for them. You're selfish, and think stealing is ok as long as the technicaldefinition of piracy isn't theft. Guess what, it's basically stealing, stop trying to find irrelevant loopholes to justify your own careless greed. There is not one valid excuse pirates can give, because when you really get down to it, the only reason you are pirating is because you don't want to pay for it, end of story.I'm so sick of piracy
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]I'm so sick of piracy
It is a funny trick isn't it...trying to trick yourself into believing something is right, when you know deep down it's wrong...I laugh at software pirates and their weak willpower.
[QUOTE=''LTZH'']It is a funny trick isn't it...trying to trick yourself into believing something is right, when you know deep down it's wrong...I laugh at software pirates and their weak willpower.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the sad thing though is that some pirates don't even try to come up with excuses. They openly admit it's because they just don't want to pay, and genuinely don't care.
How many piracy threads have you made?
[QUOTE=''bedram793'']How many piracy threads have you made? [/QUOTE]Well including one I made like a year ago, 2.
Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.
[QUOTE=''04dcarraher'']Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.[/QUOTE]Ok, then buy the game and install a crack after you install it. See what I did there? Or if you pirate it, how about sending the dev $50? Oh wait, that would interfere with the whole you not wanting to pay thing, wouldn't it....
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it.
[QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000.
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''04dcarraher'']Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.[/QUOTE]Ok, then buy the game and install a crack after you install it. See what I did there? Or if you pirate it, how about sending the dev $50? Oh wait, that would interfere with the whole you not wanting to pay thing, wouldn't it....[/QUOTE] Yes, support buggy games... that will be better for PC gaming... If Developers are focused on punishing pirates by punishing consumers, then I have no problem will developers losing sales. DRM hurts legit buyers and punishes them more then pirates. I've already used 3 of my 5 installs of Crysis Warhead and do you really think I'm going to throw another $30 out for my 6th install? FYI- SoaSE and GC sold very well. All games are pirated, so don't lose sleep over it.
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000. [/QUOTE]
You're basically saying they should round up tens of thousands of people and throw them in jail. That's impossible to enforce.
The Inquirer had an interesting link of the day up, Pirates Bay usage statistics.http://geo.keff.org/Otherwise known as were to not exclusively sell PC games, seems America and China are fighting over bigger pirate.
[QUOTE=''Swiftstrike5'']I've already used 3 of my 5 installs of Crysis Warhead and do you really think I'm going to throw another $30 out for my 6th install?[/QUOTE]
Whoa, seriously? How did you burn through 3 completely different computers that fast? Especially with the deauthorization tool being out, so you can get installations back.
[QUOTE=''AnnoyedDragon'']The Inquirer had an interesting link of the day up, Pirates Bay usage statistics.
Otherwise known as were to not exclusively sell PC games, seems America and China are fighting over bigger pirate.[/QUOTE]
dayum.. 1.6 million unique users connected to the tracker from the US alone per day? and that's actually connected to the tracker and actively uploading or downloading, not just browsing the site..
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000. [/QUOTE]
The problem with your solution is that the gaming industry doesn't have a RIAA or MPAA...... So the publishers would have to sue the people indepedently, which is WAY too expensive to put into practice. EA is probably the only publisher that could afford it, but it still wouldn't stop piracy. The RIAA doesn't even sue 1% of the people pirating music...why? It would cost billions in legal fees and a lot of cases would be thrown out due to it being extremely hard to prove who pirated the object in question. The RIAA sued random people as a scare tactic, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid the newspapers to print the stories. It might have worked with some, but it didn't even leave a dent in piracy as a whole. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to get sued by the RIAA, even if you download thousands of songs per month. The only people they can really go after is the people who sell the pirated versions of games in bulk or post on eBay and such...... Even MMOs which need a subscription to play get pirated and private servers are made. There is no solution to stopping piracy, even by 5%.......period.
Everyone person in the world who is a legitimate buyer of PC games who is complaining about DRM needs to refocus that time and energy in piracy. The whole reason DRM is even around was because of piracy. If piracy was was very small, about 1% of the total sales there would be no need for DRM.
[QUOTE=''SuperBeast'']The problem with your solution is that the gaming industry doesn't have a RIAA or MPAA...... So the publishers would have to sue the people indepedently, which is WAY too expensive to put into practice. EA is probably the only publisher that could afford it, but it still wouldn't stop piracy. The RIAA doesn't even sue 1% of the people pirating music...why? It would cost billions in legal fees and a lot of cases would be thrown out due to it being extremely hard to prove who pirated the object in question. The RIAA sued random people as a scare tactic, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid the newspapers to print the stories. It might have worked with some, but it didn't even leave a dent in piracy as a whole. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to get sued by the RIAA, even if you download thousands of songs per month. The only people they can really go after is the people who sell the pirated versions of games in bulk or post on eBay and such...... Even MMOs which need a subscription to play get pirated and private servers are made. There is no solution to stopping piracy, even by 5%.......period. [/QUOTE]
EA has no plans of doing that.. four or five years ago they got an anti-piracy team together, but their directive was to just sit and watch and learn what they can.
Activision Blizzard's been nailing people in court for a couple of years - the difference was, one of their settlement terms was that you don't talk about it, so people don't realize it's been happening. people were being sued for downloading Call of Duty 2 and other games from that era, but generally console games and not PC ones.
in Russia, 1C successfully lobbied to make piracy flat-out illegal. iirc it's punishable by 7 years in prison. so over the last couple of years, legit game sales have been steadily increasing in russia hahah
[QUOTE=''Makari''] dayum.. 1.6 million unique users connected to the tracker from the US alone per day? and that's actually connected to the tracker and actively uploading or downloading, not just browsing the site..[/QUOTE]The statistics are updated by the minute I'm afraid, not per day.
Agree[QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff, when they are the exact reason why developers put those there in the first place? I mean this sounds harsh, but how stupid can you people be? Apparently unbelievably stupid. That's right, you literally have to be a complete idiot to be a pirate. You like playing games, but don't even realize that you are ruining PC gaming as we know it. And if you try to defend piracy, don't bother, because that will just give away the fact that you are a pirate yourself, because the only people that actually support piracy are the pirates themselves.DRM is not a valid excuse people, because whenever a game doesn't have DRM or any copy protection on it it almost gets more pirated than one with it. World of Goo, Prince of Persia, Sins of a Solar Empire, all games that were pirated like crazy, yet didn't have any copy protection at all, so stop using that as an excuse. Also stop using the excuse it's a bad game so I'm not going to pay for it. That excuse makes no sense. How would you know it's bad until you play it, aka, you made the decision to pirate it before you know how good or not it was, and if you played the demo, then you should have known it was bad in the first place and just not bought it. Not to mention, if a game is bad, why play it in the first place? Oh I know, it's just another poor excuse.Just admit it pirates, the absolute only true reason you pirate games is because you don't want to pay for them. You're selfish, and think stealing is ok as long as the technicaldefinition of piracy isn't theft. Guess what, it's basically stealing, stop trying to find irrelevant loopholes to justify your own careless greed. There is not one valid excuse pirates can give, because when you really get down to it, the only reason you are pirating is because you don't want to pay for it, end of story.[/QUOTE]
Agree[QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]
Think about it.
No pirates, no drm.
More pirates, more drm.
It still is the pirates fault.blackheads scars
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]I'm so sick of piracy
It is a funny trick isn't it...trying to trick yourself into believing something is right, when you know deep down it's wrong...I laugh at software pirates and their weak willpower.
[QUOTE=''LTZH'']It is a funny trick isn't it...trying to trick yourself into believing something is right, when you know deep down it's wrong...I laugh at software pirates and their weak willpower.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the sad thing though is that some pirates don't even try to come up with excuses. They openly admit it's because they just don't want to pay, and genuinely don't care.
How many piracy threads have you made?
[QUOTE=''bedram793'']How many piracy threads have you made? [/QUOTE]Well including one I made like a year ago, 2.
Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.
[QUOTE=''04dcarraher'']Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.[/QUOTE]Ok, then buy the game and install a crack after you install it. See what I did there? Or if you pirate it, how about sending the dev $50? Oh wait, that would interfere with the whole you not wanting to pay thing, wouldn't it....
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it.
[QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000.
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''04dcarraher'']Um I hate the limited installs, and some of things that DRM does. It hurts the people who bought the game but the pirate has no issues with limited installs,DRM and sometimes their cracking fixes the issues that the devs didnt fix or ignored.[/QUOTE]Ok, then buy the game and install a crack after you install it. See what I did there? Or if you pirate it, how about sending the dev $50? Oh wait, that would interfere with the whole you not wanting to pay thing, wouldn't it....[/QUOTE] Yes, support buggy games... that will be better for PC gaming... If Developers are focused on punishing pirates by punishing consumers, then I have no problem will developers losing sales. DRM hurts legit buyers and punishes them more then pirates. I've already used 3 of my 5 installs of Crysis Warhead and do you really think I'm going to throw another $30 out for my 6th install? FYI- SoaSE and GC sold very well. All games are pirated, so don't lose sleep over it.
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000. [/QUOTE]
You're basically saying they should round up tens of thousands of people and throw them in jail. That's impossible to enforce.
The Inquirer had an interesting link of the day up, Pirates Bay usage statistics.http://geo.keff.org/Otherwise known as were to not exclusively sell PC games, seems America and China are fighting over bigger pirate.
[QUOTE=''Swiftstrike5'']I've already used 3 of my 5 installs of Crysis Warhead and do you really think I'm going to throw another $30 out for my 6th install?[/QUOTE]
Whoa, seriously? How did you burn through 3 completely different computers that fast? Especially with the deauthorization tool being out, so you can get installations back.
[QUOTE=''AnnoyedDragon'']The Inquirer had an interesting link of the day up, Pirates Bay usage statistics.
Otherwise known as were to not exclusively sell PC games, seems America and China are fighting over bigger pirate.[/QUOTE]
dayum.. 1.6 million unique users connected to the tracker from the US alone per day? and that's actually connected to the tracker and actively uploading or downloading, not just browsing the site..
[QUOTE=''Armalite1016''][QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]I was saying pirates use it as an excuse, when it's not. It shouldn't be there, but then again, the entire reason it's there is to try and stop pirates. Also, I have a way. Fine anybody caught pirating with $10,000 or 5 years in jail $10,000 bail. And actually be strict about it too, unlike the music industry, which just randomly picks a victim every once in a while. If they actually tried to find people often, and actually punished people when they found them, it would significantly decrease it, because people wouldn't want to risk having to pay $10,000. [/QUOTE]
The problem with your solution is that the gaming industry doesn't have a RIAA or MPAA...... So the publishers would have to sue the people indepedently, which is WAY too expensive to put into practice. EA is probably the only publisher that could afford it, but it still wouldn't stop piracy. The RIAA doesn't even sue 1% of the people pirating music...why? It would cost billions in legal fees and a lot of cases would be thrown out due to it being extremely hard to prove who pirated the object in question. The RIAA sued random people as a scare tactic, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid the newspapers to print the stories. It might have worked with some, but it didn't even leave a dent in piracy as a whole. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to get sued by the RIAA, even if you download thousands of songs per month. The only people they can really go after is the people who sell the pirated versions of games in bulk or post on eBay and such...... Even MMOs which need a subscription to play get pirated and private servers are made. There is no solution to stopping piracy, even by 5%.......period.
Everyone person in the world who is a legitimate buyer of PC games who is complaining about DRM needs to refocus that time and energy in piracy. The whole reason DRM is even around was because of piracy. If piracy was was very small, about 1% of the total sales there would be no need for DRM.
[QUOTE=''SuperBeast'']The problem with your solution is that the gaming industry doesn't have a RIAA or MPAA...... So the publishers would have to sue the people indepedently, which is WAY too expensive to put into practice. EA is probably the only publisher that could afford it, but it still wouldn't stop piracy. The RIAA doesn't even sue 1% of the people pirating music...why? It would cost billions in legal fees and a lot of cases would be thrown out due to it being extremely hard to prove who pirated the object in question. The RIAA sued random people as a scare tactic, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid the newspapers to print the stories. It might have worked with some, but it didn't even leave a dent in piracy as a whole. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than to get sued by the RIAA, even if you download thousands of songs per month. The only people they can really go after is the people who sell the pirated versions of games in bulk or post on eBay and such...... Even MMOs which need a subscription to play get pirated and private servers are made. There is no solution to stopping piracy, even by 5%.......period. [/QUOTE]
EA has no plans of doing that.. four or five years ago they got an anti-piracy team together, but their directive was to just sit and watch and learn what they can.
Activision Blizzard's been nailing people in court for a couple of years - the difference was, one of their settlement terms was that you don't talk about it, so people don't realize it's been happening. people were being sued for downloading Call of Duty 2 and other games from that era, but generally console games and not PC ones.
in Russia, 1C successfully lobbied to make piracy flat-out illegal. iirc it's punishable by 7 years in prison. so over the last couple of years, legit game sales have been steadily increasing in russia hahah
[QUOTE=''Makari''] dayum.. 1.6 million unique users connected to the tracker from the US alone per day? and that's actually connected to the tracker and actively uploading or downloading, not just browsing the site..[/QUOTE]The statistics are updated by the minute I'm afraid, not per day.
Agree[QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff, when they are the exact reason why developers put those there in the first place? I mean this sounds harsh, but how stupid can you people be? Apparently unbelievably stupid. That's right, you literally have to be a complete idiot to be a pirate. You like playing games, but don't even realize that you are ruining PC gaming as we know it. And if you try to defend piracy, don't bother, because that will just give away the fact that you are a pirate yourself, because the only people that actually support piracy are the pirates themselves.DRM is not a valid excuse people, because whenever a game doesn't have DRM or any copy protection on it it almost gets more pirated than one with it. World of Goo, Prince of Persia, Sins of a Solar Empire, all games that were pirated like crazy, yet didn't have any copy protection at all, so stop using that as an excuse. Also stop using the excuse it's a bad game so I'm not going to pay for it. That excuse makes no sense. How would you know it's bad until you play it, aka, you made the decision to pirate it before you know how good or not it was, and if you played the demo, then you should have known it was bad in the first place and just not bought it. Not to mention, if a game is bad, why play it in the first place? Oh I know, it's just another poor excuse.Just admit it pirates, the absolute only true reason you pirate games is because you don't want to pay for them. You're selfish, and think stealing is ok as long as the technicaldefinition of piracy isn't theft. Guess what, it's basically stealing, stop trying to find irrelevant loopholes to justify your own careless greed. There is not one valid excuse pirates can give, because when you really get down to it, the only reason you are pirating is because you don't want to pay for it, end of story.[/QUOTE]
Agree[QUOTE=''SuperBeast''][QUOTE=''Armalite1016'']Have you noticed how most of the time pirates are the majority of the people complaining about DRM and copy protection and stuff,[/QUOTE] Actually, it's the absolute opposite. The reason why so many people complain about DRM is because the only people it hurts is the legit buyers. The pirated versions of games disable the DRM all together. People who pirate games have absolutely no issues with anti-piracy measures, since 99% of the time the game is cracked within 24hrs of the retail date (On many cases even a week or two before). Piracy has always existed, and there's no possible way to stop it. That's pretty much why they released Sins of the Solar Empire with no DRM, why spend the extra money on something that will only hurt legit customers? In turn it earned them publicity that made a lot of people who normally pirate games purchase it. There have been a very small percentage of anti-piracy attempts that have worked.......I remember Operation Flashpoint about a month to get a proper crack, I think Mass Effect took a few weeks as well......I'm sure they gained some sales from pirates who were sick of waiting, but was it really worth the the money they invested to produce the new measure? I doubt it. [/QUOTE]
Think about it.
No pirates, no drm.
More pirates, more drm.
It still is the pirates fault.
Post a Pic of Your Desktop (56K warning)
I don't have a pic of my computer set up / desk area but I guess there's the pc hardware thread for that, but here is a picture of my desktop. I haven't seen one of these threads in a while and I always enjoy seeing people's computer or desktop[url=http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?4899b08252.jpg][img]http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.4899b08252.jpg[/img][/url]I'm still on windows xp, and the background is a slideshow, goes thru about 20 or so car pictures every 10 minutes and yahoo widget engine are the widgets i usePost a Pic of Your Desktop (56K warning)
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]Post a Pic of Your Desktop (56K warning)
[URL=http://g.imageshack.us/img15/desktopij5.jpg/1/][IMG]http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/desktopij5.jpg/1/w1440.png[/IMG][/URL]there's mine..
And this is my non whitespace character.
Here it be.
My DT using Windows 7 and Object Dock for my side bar![]()
I like to keep my desktop clean. The image is of a tree in my yard. Yea, I know, not really game oriented...
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
nice, lol. Anyone know a good place to get great desktops?
here's mine i have way to many icons lol![]()
How come some people have no icons/shortcuts?
[QUOTE=''IMaBIOHAZARD'']nice, lol. Anyone know a good place to get great desktops?[/QUOTE]http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/downloads/date/any/ Awsome site, ever since I found it it's the only place I get wallpapers from now :)And my wallpaper:![]()
Is it just me, or does everyone here use Vista?
i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?!
[QUOTE=''Dogswithguns'']i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?![/QUOTE] Press PrintScreen and you'll have a picture stored in the clipboard. After that, just paste it in paint.PHE4R:![]()
[QUOTE=''dos4gw82''][QUOTE=''Dogswithguns'']i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?![/QUOTE] Press PrintScreen and you'll have a picture stored in the clipboard. After that, just paste it in paint.[/QUOTE]that still dont tell me anything?!
-Click!-I like to keep my Desktop Clean.:P I can't stand having Icons all over so I use ObjectDock, with Stack docklets to handle all my Extra/ Games Icons.
Hmmm.... Is everyones desktop this tidy or did you cleanup before taking a picture?
Here my Vista desktop with my two cats.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]Post a Pic of Your Desktop (56K warning)
[URL=http://g.imageshack.us/img15/desktopij5.jpg/1/][IMG]http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/desktopij5.jpg/1/w1440.png[/IMG][/URL]there's mine..
Here it be.
My DT using Windows 7 and Object Dock for my side bar
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
nice, lol. Anyone know a good place to get great desktops?
here's mine i have way to many icons lol
How come some people have no icons/shortcuts?
[QUOTE=''IMaBIOHAZARD'']nice, lol. Anyone know a good place to get great desktops?[/QUOTE]http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/downloads/date/any/ Awsome site, ever since I found it it's the only place I get wallpapers from now :)And my wallpaper:
Is it just me, or does everyone here use Vista?
i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?!
[QUOTE=''Dogswithguns'']i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?![/QUOTE] Press PrintScreen and you'll have a picture stored in the clipboard. After that, just paste it in paint.PHE4R:
[QUOTE=''dos4gw82''][QUOTE=''Dogswithguns'']i dont know how to take a pic of my desktop?! i clicked right in the middle of screen, didnt see an option?![/QUOTE] Press PrintScreen and you'll have a picture stored in the clipboard. After that, just paste it in paint.[/QUOTE]that still dont tell me anything?!
Hmmm.... Is everyones desktop this tidy or did you cleanup before taking a picture?
Here my Vista desktop with my two cats.
world of warcraft trial
I played the free trial and enjoyed it,anyone know how long this will last?world of warcraft trial
[QUOTE=''townie4699'']I played the free trial and enjoyed it,anyone know how long this will last?[/QUOTE]
How long the trial will last or how long the enjoyment will last?
[QUOTE=''townie4699'']I played the free trial and enjoyed it,anyone know how long this will last?[/QUOTE]
How long the trial will last or how long the enjoyment will last?
Cod: waw
So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it!Cod: waw
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? Cod: waw
[QUOTE=''aura_enchanted''][QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with WW2?
[QUOTE=''comstrikeiscool''][QUOTE=''aura_enchanted''][QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? [/QUOTE] What's wrong with WW2?[/QUOTE]*points to medal of honor and CoD 1-3 + sidegames*umm that...
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]Yes and I feel the multiplayer sucks. I hate unlockables! The game becomes less about fragging other players as a race to a certain point where you get a weapon/tactic you like and stick with it.
[QUOTE=''machockey''] ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]I thought it was a DAMN GOOD game. And, no **** the ending isn't supposed to be OMFG OVER 10 DOZEN NUKES WERE LAUNCHED AT EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE WORLD OMFG ROBOT WORMS INVADED THE US AND WE ARE IN TEH FIGHTS MANG LOLOLOL BEST ENDING EVAR AND ALIENS STARTED APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE.It's f*cking world war two, guy. You can't really have any surprise endings.Say this with meIt's f*cking world war two, you can't change the history of world war 2.God...Repeat it again, until you understand it. Sorry ( Not really ) for being harsh, but it's kind of hard to change the history of world war 2 without looking like a whole bunch of drunk stupid asses.
I preferred cod 4 but the zombie modes fun. I think unlockables are good, it keeps the game interesting and gives you something to aim for, without the unlockables I would have stopped playing a lot sooner.
You buy it for the multiplayer though, not the singleplayer. Or atleast that's what I have concluded from playing the Cod series. Multiplayer is really fun but yeah the singleplayer was short.
I understand that you cant change the history of WW2 you sh*t head, what a stupid thing to say. What I'm getting at is Drop a Nuke on japan... Idk a lot of things could have concluded the game better. Don't just have the player get shot, get up and stab a flag into the parliament building. F%26ck, I'm just asking for a little creativity. It seems like they said, ohh we want to release this game in 3 weeks? OK, lets end it here then! To me the ending felt very abrupt and forced.
Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well...
what i thought was stupid about the ending is that its the same damn ending from Call of Duty 1...
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]I think call of duty modern warfare had an amazing storyline, by far better than any other game I have ever played. Treyarch isn't anywhere near as good as infinity ward but they did ok considering the quality this game demmands. I heard infinity ward is teaming back up with activision and they are making the actual call of duty 5: future warfare. I hope it doesn't turn out like bf2 did when bf2142 came out, what a dissapointment.
[QUOTE=''zyXHavocXyz'']Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well... [/QUOTE]I'm pretty sure the next one is going to be Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2.
[QUOTE=''Drazule''][QUOTE=''zyXHavocXyz'']Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well... [/QUOTE]I'm pretty sure the next one is going to be Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2. [/QUOTE]really catchy title they've got there:D
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? Cod: waw
[QUOTE=''aura_enchanted''][QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? [/QUOTE]
What's wrong with WW2?
[QUOTE=''comstrikeiscool''][QUOTE=''aura_enchanted''][QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]umm its a WW2 shooter u were expecting the next doom? [/QUOTE] What's wrong with WW2?[/QUOTE]*points to medal of honor and CoD 1-3 + sidegames*umm that...
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]Yes and I feel the multiplayer sucks. I hate unlockables! The game becomes less about fragging other players as a race to a certain point where you get a weapon/tactic you like and stick with it.
[QUOTE=''machockey''] ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]I thought it was a DAMN GOOD game. And, no **** the ending isn't supposed to be OMFG OVER 10 DOZEN NUKES WERE LAUNCHED AT EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE WORLD OMFG ROBOT WORMS INVADED THE US AND WE ARE IN TEH FIGHTS MANG LOLOLOL BEST ENDING EVAR AND ALIENS STARTED APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE.It's f*cking world war two, guy. You can't really have any surprise endings.Say this with meIt's f*cking world war two, you can't change the history of world war 2.God...Repeat it again, until you understand it. Sorry ( Not really ) for being harsh, but it's kind of hard to change the history of world war 2 without looking like a whole bunch of drunk stupid asses.
I preferred cod 4 but the zombie modes fun. I think unlockables are good, it keeps the game interesting and gives you something to aim for, without the unlockables I would have stopped playing a lot sooner.
You buy it for the multiplayer though, not the singleplayer. Or atleast that's what I have concluded from playing the Cod series. Multiplayer is really fun but yeah the singleplayer was short.
I understand that you cant change the history of WW2 you sh*t head, what a stupid thing to say. What I'm getting at is Drop a Nuke on japan... Idk a lot of things could have concluded the game better. Don't just have the player get shot, get up and stab a flag into the parliament building. F%26ck, I'm just asking for a little creativity. It seems like they said, ohh we want to release this game in 3 weeks? OK, lets end it here then! To me the ending felt very abrupt and forced.
Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well...
what i thought was stupid about the ending is that its the same damn ending from Call of Duty 1...
[QUOTE=''machockey'']So I just finished it.... AND I'm happy I bought it from the failing circut city for 40% off because I feel like i received 40% of a game. WOW that was short. ANd the ending was so cheesy. What do you guys think? I Mean, I should have know with Treyarch behind it![/QUOTE]I think call of duty modern warfare had an amazing storyline, by far better than any other game I have ever played. Treyarch isn't anywhere near as good as infinity ward but they did ok considering the quality this game demmands. I heard infinity ward is teaming back up with activision and they are making the actual call of duty 5: future warfare. I hope it doesn't turn out like bf2 did when bf2142 came out, what a dissapointment.
[QUOTE=''zyXHavocXyz'']Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well... [/QUOTE]I'm pretty sure the next one is going to be Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2.
[QUOTE=''Drazule''][QUOTE=''zyXHavocXyz'']Yeah, I refused, and will continue to refuse to buy COD as long as they stay with WW2... MOVE ON!!! Yes going to the eastern side of the conflict was interesting, but I don't care. COD4 was the best one of the series imo, though short as well... [/QUOTE]I'm pretty sure the next one is going to be Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2. [/QUOTE]really catchy title they've got there:D
Looking for warhammer online recruitment
hi! I know this is a long shot, but I thought I would ask anyway, does anyone have a recruitment available for warhammer online? my email is shaide@gmail.com I love PvP, am bored of my current MMOs and really wanting something new. But I hate buying warhammer online without even seeing anything of it...So, if someone could help out, i would be greatly appreciated..and im sorry in advance if this post is annoying :sLooking for warhammer online recruitment
sent one your way, have fun.Looking for warhammer online recruitment
i REALLY want a trial code also!!!!!! Can't find any! Someone help meh! :P
I am looking for a warhammer onlike trial also, Anyone want a free month for referring me? email is hzymind1@yahoo.com
sent one your way, have fun.Looking for warhammer online recruitment
i REALLY want a trial code also!!!!!! Can't find any! Someone help meh! :P
I am looking for a warhammer onlike trial also, Anyone want a free month for referring me? email is hzymind1@yahoo.com
bnet help
how do i add a friend on D2 Bnet?bnet help
Bnet?as in Bungie.net? bnet help
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
type /f a ''friends name''
It's /f add name and /f r name to remove.
Bnet?as in Bungie.net? bnet help
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
type /f a ''friends name''
It's /f add name and /f r name to remove.
Are there any other programs like fraps?
I'm looking to do some video capture, along with wanting to see the FPS of my games. Are there any programs like fraps out there, for free, that do this? I really don't like using fraps because of the performance hits that it does.Are there any other programs like fraps?
Xfire is free, but you won't see your FPS shwoing all the time. It barely uses CPU too, so makes it good for games.Are there any other programs like fraps?
go for xfire. it has a video record function.
I'd third XFire.
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Xfire is free, but you won't see your FPS shwoing all the time. It barely uses CPU too, so makes it good for games.[/QUOTE]
Just click the pin next to the fps and it will stay. I 4th xfire.blackheads scars
Xfire is free, but you won't see your FPS shwoing all the time. It barely uses CPU too, so makes it good for games.Are there any other programs like fraps?
go for xfire. it has a video record function.
I'd third XFire.
[QUOTE=''Steameffekt'']Xfire is free, but you won't see your FPS shwoing all the time. It barely uses CPU too, so makes it good for games.[/QUOTE]
Just click the pin next to the fps and it will stay. I 4th xfire.
The Counter-Strikes
This may seem like a stupid question, and i'm sure i'll get flamed for this, but what is the difference between the counter-strikes? (e.g. CS Source and CS 1.6)The Counter-Strikes
Counter strike 1.6 Uses the Half-Life 1 engine, while the Counter strike source uses the Source engine which is the same engine that Half-life 2 uses.The Counter-Strikes
So counter strike source looks better?
[QUOTE=''KaMiKaZe_360'']So counter strike source looks better?[/QUOTE]
Which one is better though?
Counter-Strike: Source is definitely the better experience, especially for someone such as yourself.
The original (1.6) is used by professionals and is significantly tougher to get used to and learn tactics for. Harsher recoil, old graphics, tough maps, smaller hitboxes and sneaky rape zones means matches here are TOUGH. The source version is a lot friendlier due to the increased leeway you get when playing - such as larger hitboxes and brighter graphics. Inclusion of mods means the recent version has more replay value too - LOVE zombie mods!
Right. Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated!
[QUOTE=''Solidus171'']The original (1.6) is used by professionals and is significantly tougher to get used to and learn tactics for. Harsher recoil, old graphics, tough maps, smaller hitboxes and sneaky rape zones means matches here are TOUGH. The source version is a lot friendlier due to the increased leeway you get when playing - such as larger hitboxes and brighter graphics. Inclusion of mods means the recent version has more replay value too - LOVE zombie mods![/QUOTE]But in the end none of the ''advantages'' of source matter, because EVERYONE has the same ones so it's not like it's an uneven playing field.
Counter strike 1.6 Uses the Half-Life 1 engine, while the Counter strike source uses the Source engine which is the same engine that Half-life 2 uses.The Counter-Strikes
So counter strike source looks better?
[QUOTE=''KaMiKaZe_360'']So counter strike source looks better?[/QUOTE]
Which one is better though?
Counter-Strike: Source is definitely the better experience, especially for someone such as yourself.
The original (1.6) is used by professionals and is significantly tougher to get used to and learn tactics for. Harsher recoil, old graphics, tough maps, smaller hitboxes and sneaky rape zones means matches here are TOUGH. The source version is a lot friendlier due to the increased leeway you get when playing - such as larger hitboxes and brighter graphics. Inclusion of mods means the recent version has more replay value too - LOVE zombie mods!
Right. Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated!
[QUOTE=''Solidus171'']The original (1.6) is used by professionals and is significantly tougher to get used to and learn tactics for. Harsher recoil, old graphics, tough maps, smaller hitboxes and sneaky rape zones means matches here are TOUGH. The source version is a lot friendlier due to the increased leeway you get when playing - such as larger hitboxes and brighter graphics. Inclusion of mods means the recent version has more replay value too - LOVE zombie mods![/QUOTE]But in the end none of the ''advantages'' of source matter, because EVERYONE has the same ones so it's not like it's an uneven playing field.
Need Help With MmOrPg's!!!
I need a mmorpg BESIDES WoW. Please tell me them and why you recommend them. Also if there are still a lot of people playing. Thankyou so much!Need Help With MmOrPg's!!!
Warhammer Online? Or Guild War?
Warhammer Online? Or Guild War?
Does anyone here not have a Steam account?
I've been reading somewhere that there are 16 million active Steam accounts out there. So, is that the entire PC gaming population? 16 million? There must be more PC gamers than that, right? Or am I wrong?Does anyone here not have a Steam account?
Kolossi. Happy owner of a Steam account since 2004.Topic: Well, I think that 16 million or whatever isnt even near the total ammount of PC gamers, probably triple or quadruple that would be a good number. Does anyone here not have a Steam account?
WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07.
Not everyone has a steam account, if i didn't buy the orange box i wouldn't have one, but i did so i do.
lots of people dont, especially non-enthusiast pc gamers that you wont find here. however, i've been checking steam stats lately and i've noticed significant rise in concurrent stean users over the last few months.
I've had mine since HL2 came out and about everyone I know who is a pc gamer has also. I think the majority of ''enthusiast'' gamers would have one.
Hah 100% steam so far.
[QUOTE=''Benjiman_Guile'']WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07. [/QUOTE]I heard that there are 11 million players of WOW so 16 million isn't near the number.I DON'T have a STEAM account so you can see that not all gamers have a STEAM account.
Whats a Steam account
No. I have a Battlenet account and a Xfire account, but not a Steam account even if I have 2 original copies of HL2 -the buyed one and the one gived by one of my graphic cards-. The reason is simply: I don't like Steam. I prefer Battlenet and other types of digital download stores, because Bnet does not require to install any program in my PC. The only one tracking gaming program that I admit in my PC is Xfire. It also means that I never play Valve games since HL2. I Had a very bad experience with first steps of Steam and I have no plans to jump into Steam in the next 50 years, or so.
[QUOTE=''555SSOO''][QUOTE=''Benjiman_Guile'']WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07. [/QUOTE]I heard that there are 11 million players of WOW so 16 million isn't near the number.I DON'T have a STEAM account so you can see that not all gamers have a STEAM account. [/QUOTE]Then there are those STEAM users who hack at CS and get their accounts banned, and make new ones.
None of my friends have steam accounts and I only got one recently to get CSS. Steam doesn't sell many games and aren't really neccessary. I just use it for the friends list and for the odd game.
What's Steam? You mean water in the gaseous form?Kidding.I've had a Steam account since January, 2005. (I thought it was since 2004 but Steam tells me 2005...) I hated it when it first came out, when it was unreliable and had little to offer other than hassles. But now, I love it, and use it whenever I can. It's just so much easier buying, installing, managing, and running games that way.
[QUOTE=''joshuahaveron'']None of my friends have steam accounts and I only got one recently to get CSS. Steam doesn't sell many games and aren't really neccessary. I just use it for the friends list and for the odd game.[/QUOTE]
Steam doesn't sell many games? Lately most new releases have been pushed to it and it has a great collection of older games.
I have had an accout since '04, when HL2 arrived. And since i probably have over 30 games or something, but i also use D2D and probably have 10-20 games off of there. Steam is good, but sometimes they dont get games for a while.
Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.
[QUOTE=''skateboard34'']Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.[/QUOTE]You can redownload your games from Steam, you know.As long as you aren't on dial-up, I suppose it wouldn't be too painful.
[QUOTE=''skateboard34'']Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.[/QUOTE]
You can also backup all of your downloaded games that can easily be reinstalled if needed.
I've had a steam account for two years. bulldog0890
I think most of us have one.
Kolossi. Happy owner of a Steam account since 2004.Topic: Well, I think that 16 million or whatever isnt even near the total ammount of PC gamers, probably triple or quadruple that would be a good number. Does anyone here not have a Steam account?
WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07.
Not everyone has a steam account, if i didn't buy the orange box i wouldn't have one, but i did so i do.
lots of people dont, especially non-enthusiast pc gamers that you wont find here. however, i've been checking steam stats lately and i've noticed significant rise in concurrent stean users over the last few months.
I've had mine since HL2 came out and about everyone I know who is a pc gamer has also. I think the majority of ''enthusiast'' gamers would have one.
Hah 100% steam so far.
[QUOTE=''Benjiman_Guile'']WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07. [/QUOTE]I heard that there are 11 million players of WOW so 16 million isn't near the number.I DON'T have a STEAM account so you can see that not all gamers have a STEAM account.
Whats a Steam account
No. I have a Battlenet account and a Xfire account, but not a Steam account even if I have 2 original copies of HL2 -the buyed one and the one gived by one of my graphic cards-. The reason is simply: I don't like Steam. I prefer Battlenet and other types of digital download stores, because Bnet does not require to install any program in my PC. The only one tracking gaming program that I admit in my PC is Xfire. It also means that I never play Valve games since HL2. I Had a very bad experience with first steps of Steam and I have no plans to jump into Steam in the next 50 years, or so.
[QUOTE=''555SSOO''][QUOTE=''Benjiman_Guile'']WoW is not part of Steam, and they have a lot more users. I have a STEAM account since early 07. [/QUOTE]I heard that there are 11 million players of WOW so 16 million isn't near the number.I DON'T have a STEAM account so you can see that not all gamers have a STEAM account. [/QUOTE]Then there are those STEAM users who hack at CS and get their accounts banned, and make new ones.
None of my friends have steam accounts and I only got one recently to get CSS. Steam doesn't sell many games and aren't really neccessary. I just use it for the friends list and for the odd game.
What's Steam? You mean water in the gaseous form?Kidding.I've had a Steam account since January, 2005. (I thought it was since 2004 but Steam tells me 2005...) I hated it when it first came out, when it was unreliable and had little to offer other than hassles. But now, I love it, and use it whenever I can. It's just so much easier buying, installing, managing, and running games that way.
[QUOTE=''joshuahaveron'']None of my friends have steam accounts and I only got one recently to get CSS. Steam doesn't sell many games and aren't really neccessary. I just use it for the friends list and for the odd game.[/QUOTE]
Steam doesn't sell many games? Lately most new releases have been pushed to it and it has a great collection of older games.
I have had an accout since '04, when HL2 arrived. And since i probably have over 30 games or something, but i also use D2D and probably have 10-20 games off of there. Steam is good, but sometimes they dont get games for a while.
Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.
[QUOTE=''skateboard34'']Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.[/QUOTE]You can redownload your games from Steam, you know.As long as you aren't on dial-up, I suppose it wouldn't be too painful.
[QUOTE=''skateboard34'']Guilty as charged. I was thinking about getting Steam like, a month ago, but then, a few days later, my computer got a virus and I had to reinstall Windows and I lost all my files. Then I realized that if I bought and downloaded my games with Steam, if I lost all my files, that would be a lot of money gone. So, i decided to not take the chance and just drive a mile to the nearest GameStop. I'm fine with it.[/QUOTE]
You can also backup all of your downloaded games that can easily be reinstalled if needed.
I've had a steam account for two years. bulldog0890
I think most of us have one.
Moh Airborne help please
Well I bought my brother MOH: Airborne for christmas. And we finally got around to installing it. And im having trouble. I installed it on his computer first but an error code popped up everytime I tried to play it. The error code read that there was a missing file. So after installing numerous times. I decided to install on my computer (The brand new good computer that can play Crysis on High) . Well i get to the screen where I type in the CD - Key. I type it in hit next and then it goes to a tiny screen with a loading bar to load up windows installer and Then the screen disapears and nothing loads up.. It doesnt take me to the windows installer. The installer doesnt even show up on the task manager. It just completely shuts down! Has anyone else had a problem similar. Or have any suggestions for me?
Your favorite Unreal Tournament?
For the Unreal gurus out there, which one is your favorite?Also, which one had the gauntlet style mode where you killed wave after wave of monsters? I forget. Your favorite Unreal Tournament?
UT III because the weapon balance, pacing and movements. UT 2004 because the contents, maps, modes and almost any other aspects. Your favorite Unreal Tournament?
I think ut2004 invasion is your gauntlet style gametypeAnd hell if I know which ut I like better. If I had to choose I'd probably say 99, mostly because of nostalgia.
Unreal Tournament Clasic my Favorite, Followed by UT2k4. -------------------------------^^ Damned Filters. :evil:-
The original UT, of course.
Unreal2k4 is the best imo. The first unreal would be the next best.
For me, UT2004 > UT99 > UT3.UT2003? I like to pretend that it never existed. UT2004 is what 2003 should've been.
UT III because the weapon balance, pacing and movements. UT 2004 because the contents, maps, modes and almost any other aspects. Your favorite Unreal Tournament?
I think ut2004 invasion is your gauntlet style gametypeAnd hell if I know which ut I like better. If I had to choose I'd probably say 99, mostly because of nostalgia.
Unreal Tournament Clasic my Favorite, Followed by UT2k4. -------------------------------^^ Damned Filters. :evil:-
The original UT, of course.
Unreal2k4 is the best imo. The first unreal would be the next best.
For me, UT2004 > UT99 > UT3.UT2003? I like to pretend that it never existed. UT2004 is what 2003 should've been.
Mask Of The Betrayer US?
Hi there all, does anyone know that if I purchased NWN2 mask of the betrayer US version will it work with my NWN2 original UK game?Mask Of The Betrayer US?
I 'm not 100% sure but i think it will work just fine.Mask Of The Betrayer US?
why don't you shoot a mail to ATARI customer support or post a thread in official forum too?
I think it'll work.
I think you have to download a couple of official patches if you use the US version of Mask of the Betrayer on the UK version of NWN2 original, but apart from that yeh I think it should work.blackheads scars
I 'm not 100% sure but i think it will work just fine.Mask Of The Betrayer US?
why don't you shoot a mail to ATARI customer support or post a thread in official forum too?
I think it'll work.
I think you have to download a couple of official patches if you use the US version of Mask of the Betrayer on the UK version of NWN2 original, but apart from that yeh I think it should work.
Terran Goliath vs Tau Crisis Suit
Terran Goliath (Starcraft)![]()
Tau Crisis Suit (Dawn of War) Terran Goliath vs Tau Crisis Suit
I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.Terran Goliath vs Tau Crisis Suit
Tau Crysis suit
[QUOTE=''Doom_HellKnight'']I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.[/QUOTE]+1
Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?
Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?
Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.
The Crisis Suit becaue it can target lock on the goliat and destroy it before it gets to close
it pains me to say this, but the Tau techno-heresy contraption would win. its more manuverable than the goliath and packs far more powerful weaponry.
[QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]All for the greater good,
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]That poor poor diplomat. :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]Yeah, they did that. That's not the only example of stupidity from them. They fought a group of Slaaneshi Chaos marines at one point, and they thought the Champion of Chaos leading them was Slaanesh, so they actually thought they had killed the infamous Slaanesh when they mopped up all the marines.Anyway, like I said, it's plot armor. Anytime it looks like the Tau could be in trouble over something coming their way, something else happens that saves their asses. I saw a post on the Soulstorm forum which summarized it pretty well.''Practically all pre-waaagh Tau fluff revolves around them doing nothing but kicking ass and taking names all in the name of blind luck. Oh, the Imperium was going to wipe them out when they were in the stone age, but, woops, a warp storm isolates them for thousands of years and let's them survive. Well, they can't possibly be that much of a threat...woops, the eldar arguably organize them and gift them with advanced tech. Well, that's okay, I mean, the Tau are surrounded by enemies...woops, all those enemies act as a buffer to shield the Tau (until now). Well, that's alright, because here the Imperium comes with the Damocles Crusade...woops, Hive Fleet Behemoth comes and causes it to be diverted after only capturing a few worlds! Well, no biggy, all it means is that the Tyranids will eat them...woops, Tau don't have much of a warp presence, so apparently the Tyranids can't find them to eat them, and lord forbid they ever get genestealer cults. Oops, and because of their limited warp presence, Chaos can barely affect them!''They've also accomplished things they never realistically should have (shame on whatever fluff-writers thought them up), like defeating a Tyranid fleet without losing a single ship (it undoubtedly had to be a really small splinter fleet, but that's still absurd since the Tau have some of the least advanced space warfare technology, and are overall the weakest race of them all at space warfare, so they never should have been able to make such an accomplishment).I guess the fluff writers finally got the message through their thick skulls that fans were tired of such a comparatively weak race defying logic and coming out on top at every turn, so they sent a WAAAGH! their way that's giving them some trouble finally.
Oh, and by the way, we might as well count every vote for the Goliath as a vote for ''Methinks I don't know enough.'' Those who voted for it either did so because they are Starcraft fanboys, or because they're comparing them based on their units in their respective games, meaning they're either biased, not knowledgeable enough to make the call, or both. There's simply no question that a Crisis Suit in canon would murder a Goliath.
[QUOTE=''madrocketeer'']Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?[/QUOTE]Off-topic - Keep clicking the Goliath unit, and you'll get a reference to it in Starcraft.On-topic - The Tau Crysis suit, since it's designed to be a mobile weapons platform, good against infantry, vehicles, aircraft etc.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]So true.
YEA the TAu would own the goliath. But if the goliath was real in 40k i think it would be pretty sweet, 2 autocannons and what could be a assult cannon (its like a setinel on steroids!!!) YEA IMP GUARD
[QUOTE=''gogators4life''][QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?[/QUOTE]Can somebody get me a translation devise here!On a serious note:The Tau would win. The suit would be out maneuvering the Goliath, and all the weapons would be able to target it on the move.
I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.Terran Goliath vs Tau Crisis Suit
Tau Crysis suit
[QUOTE=''Doom_HellKnight'']I've always loved the Goliath, and I'm not really a fan of the Tau (either Dawn of War or TT) so Goliath for me.[/QUOTE]+1
Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?
Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?
Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.
The Crisis Suit becaue it can target lock on the goliat and destroy it before it gets to close
it pains me to say this, but the Tau techno-heresy contraption would win. its more manuverable than the goliath and packs far more powerful weaponry.
[QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]All for the greater good,
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]That poor poor diplomat. :P
[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell''] Crisis Suit. A Crisis Suit can't even hold its own against a space marine, but it doesn't matter because it's still a far, far more deadly force than a Goliath.[QUOTE=''_Pedro_''] [QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]yeah annoying isn't it? Still the Tau are able to compete against races which have been advancing their technology for 40000 years. One would expect that it would be somewhat better right?[/QUOTE]Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE]Yeah, they did that. That's not the only example of stupidity from them. They fought a group of Slaaneshi Chaos marines at one point, and they thought the Champion of Chaos leading them was Slaanesh, so they actually thought they had killed the infamous Slaanesh when they mopped up all the marines.Anyway, like I said, it's plot armor. Anytime it looks like the Tau could be in trouble over something coming their way, something else happens that saves their asses. I saw a post on the Soulstorm forum which summarized it pretty well.''Practically all pre-waaagh Tau fluff revolves around them doing nothing but kicking ass and taking names all in the name of blind luck. Oh, the Imperium was going to wipe them out when they were in the stone age, but, woops, a warp storm isolates them for thousands of years and let's them survive. Well, they can't possibly be that much of a threat...woops, the eldar arguably organize them and gift them with advanced tech. Well, that's okay, I mean, the Tau are surrounded by enemies...woops, all those enemies act as a buffer to shield the Tau (until now). Well, that's alright, because here the Imperium comes with the Damocles Crusade...woops, Hive Fleet Behemoth comes and causes it to be diverted after only capturing a few worlds! Well, no biggy, all it means is that the Tyranids will eat them...woops, Tau don't have much of a warp presence, so apparently the Tyranids can't find them to eat them, and lord forbid they ever get genestealer cults. Oops, and because of their limited warp presence, Chaos can barely affect them!''They've also accomplished things they never realistically should have (shame on whatever fluff-writers thought them up), like defeating a Tyranid fleet without losing a single ship (it undoubtedly had to be a really small splinter fleet, but that's still absurd since the Tau have some of the least advanced space warfare technology, and are overall the weakest race of them all at space warfare, so they never should have been able to make such an accomplishment).I guess the fluff writers finally got the message through their thick skulls that fans were tired of such a comparatively weak race defying logic and coming out on top at every turn, so they sent a WAAAGH! their way that's giving them some trouble finally.
Oh, and by the way, we might as well count every vote for the Goliath as a vote for ''Methinks I don't know enough.'' Those who voted for it either did so because they are Starcraft fanboys, or because they're comparing them based on their units in their respective games, meaning they're either biased, not knowledgeable enough to make the call, or both. There's simply no question that a Crisis Suit in canon would murder a Goliath.
[QUOTE=''madrocketeer'']Is it just me or does the Goliath look like ED-209 from Robocop?[/QUOTE]Off-topic - Keep clicking the Goliath unit, and you'll get a reference to it in Starcraft.On-topic - The Tau Crysis suit, since it's designed to be a mobile weapons platform, good against infantry, vehicles, aircraft etc.
[QUOTE=''foxhound_fox'']Um... its Warhammer... anything from Warhammer gets an auto win against anything else. Everything is stupidly over powered compared to other universes.[/QUOTE]So true.
YEA the TAu would own the goliath. But if the goliath was real in 40k i think it would be pretty sweet, 2 autocannons and what could be a assult cannon (its like a setinel on steroids!!!) YEA IMP GUARD
[QUOTE=''gogators4life''][QUOTE=''_Pedro_''][QUOTE=''JP_Russell'']Not if you know why it isn't.Plus, the Tau have had ridiculously impenetrable plot armor for the longest time now (only recently have they finally been having trouble, with an invasion from the Orks). Some of their tech may be more efficient than that of the Imperium, but overall they're still a much less advanced race. By sheer luck alone have they not been obliterated yet.[/QUOTE]You know I always wondered why they haven't been obliterated yet, they have done some awfully dumb things. I've read somewhere they actually sent a diplomat to talk with the tyranids. How stupid can you get? :P[/QUOTE] lol. Tau: We want peace, for the greater good!Tyranids: KekekekekekTau: Is that a yes or a no?[/QUOTE]Can somebody get me a translation devise here!On a serious note:The Tau would win. The suit would be out maneuvering the Goliath, and all the weapons would be able to target it on the move.
Use PS3 rock band guitar for GH3 (PC VERSION)
hello all,I just bought GH3 for the PC without a GH guitar since i figured that my PS3 rock band guitar would work fine, but it doesnt :(The PS3 rock band guitar works fine with fire on frets, but it won't work on GH3 and i think the biggest problem is that you can't change the controls ingame.. I know the PS3 rock band guitars dont work on PS3 GH3 and stuff but i figure since it's a PC game there should be some driver available to make the computer believe it's a GH guitar, right? Since all the GH guitars just work fine.. I hope someone can help me figure this out, its hard to google it, because all you get is that rock band guitars dont work on guitar hero blabla.., cause of that patch rock band promised to release... Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance,
bartUse PS3 rock band guitar for GH3 (PC VERSION)
If your pc recognizes it you can use xpadder.http://www.xpadder.com/For more info go herehttp://timkinnaird.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-get-your-rock-band-guitar.htmlYou're welcome. ;)Use PS3 rock band guitar for GH3 (PC VERSION)
OMG I LOVE XPADDER!!! buggy software but can turn my xbox 360 controller into a mouse!! AWESOME!
The reason it doesn't work is because Activision set up GH to specifically not work with the RB guitars. They've got zero interest in making a patch - the patch people are talking about is only for PS3 RB to use the GH3 guitars, but Harmonix isn't allowed to release it after Activision sued to get an injunction against the patch.
It above solution should work fine though, since people can just make their own mod/patches on the PC to make it work.
You can not legally purchase Guitar Heroes III for the PC without a guitar. That is the only way it is packaged and available. So you're either lying or a pirate or both.
[QUOTE=''WDT-BlackKat'']You can not legally purchase Guitar Heroes III for the PC without a guitar. That is the only way it is packaged and available. So you're either lying or a pirate or both.[/QUOTE] LOL or maybe he bought it used??
I got my guitar to work except the strum button doesn't work up or down...
bartUse PS3 rock band guitar for GH3 (PC VERSION)
If your pc recognizes it you can use xpadder.http://www.xpadder.com/For more info go herehttp://timkinnaird.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-to-get-your-rock-band-guitar.htmlYou're welcome. ;)Use PS3 rock band guitar for GH3 (PC VERSION)
OMG I LOVE XPADDER!!! buggy software but can turn my xbox 360 controller into a mouse!! AWESOME!
The reason it doesn't work is because Activision set up GH to specifically not work with the RB guitars. They've got zero interest in making a patch - the patch people are talking about is only for PS3 RB to use the GH3 guitars, but Harmonix isn't allowed to release it after Activision sued to get an injunction against the patch.
It above solution should work fine though, since people can just make their own mod/patches on the PC to make it work.
You can not legally purchase Guitar Heroes III for the PC without a guitar. That is the only way it is packaged and available. So you're either lying or a pirate or both.
[QUOTE=''WDT-BlackKat'']You can not legally purchase Guitar Heroes III for the PC without a guitar. That is the only way it is packaged and available. So you're either lying or a pirate or both.[/QUOTE] LOL or maybe he bought it used??
I got my guitar to work except the strum button doesn't work up or down...
More Oblivion Lag Problems
First off, I know that lagging is a term used for online and network play, but I figured that it would be the most universally recognizable alternate for ''frame rate drops.''I run a Toshiba Satellite P205D-S7479 with:AMD Turion 64 dual core processor @ 2.2 Ghz2 Gig DDR2 RAMATI Radeon HD 2600 graphics card @ 512 megWindows Vista Home Premium (regrettably, I run Vista. God, it's so broken...)I know that the recommended Processor speed is 3 Ghz, but I am not sure that that is the problem (although it might very well be). Even when I completely tank the video settings (lowest settings), the game experiences frame rate drops especially in the day and in areas of high motion. My laptop has no problems playing Sins of a Solar Empire, Half Life 2, or Battlefield 2142. Oblivion seems like a really great game, and I would appreciate any help in finding the problem. Even if it means having to replace some hardware (It had to happen sometime).More Oblivion Lag Problems
Correction:The graphics card has just over a gig of total available memory.More Oblivion Lag Problems
Have you updated your graphics drivers and downloaded the latest game updates?
I'm not sure what could be the problem is, but I can help you eliminate. My desktop runs Oblivion okay (maybe 30 fps) on low settings: I mean really low like 800X600, no effect (but the 3 water and shadow option) and all view distance near. Some of your specs are at least 2x better than mine. My Radeon 9600Pro has 256 MB Pro, my RAM is 1 GB and processor is 2.4 Ghz Pentium 4. My OS is WinXP Pro. So video card and RAM is out of the question. It could be Vista or your processor. Also note that of the three games you listed, Oblivion has the highest requirement, so do expect Oblivion's to lag. Maybe you have some software or application running in the background that doesn't affect those three games but becomes apparent in Oblivion.
Well, I just found out that my graphics card driver wasn't completely up to date. Vista told me it was. Good old Vista. Good enough to throw off a bridge. Anyway, I'm downloading that now and I am running a system defrag among other things. Maybe that will fix the problem, but somehow I doubt it.
I doubt it too, but for your sake I hope it works. If not, try installing XP :P.
If only I could. When I bought my computer, I didn't realize that most of the components are Vista-dependant. Vista, it's like a virus. Oh well.
Just in case anyone is still looking, I ran some tests and found out that the processor is to blame. The normal resting usage while playing Oblivion is around 50-60%. Whenever the usage jumps above 75%, I get lag. It's not unplayable, especially on low settings, but I am considering replacing the processor. Now I've just got to find out what the recommended speed is for a dual core processor with Vista. Since Vista isn't officially supported, that may be a problem.
have any of you guys ever played oblivion on a laptop?
Correction:The graphics card has just over a gig of total available memory.More Oblivion Lag Problems
Have you updated your graphics drivers and downloaded the latest game updates?
I'm not sure what could be the problem is, but I can help you eliminate. My desktop runs Oblivion okay (maybe 30 fps) on low settings: I mean really low like 800X600, no effect (but the 3 water and shadow option) and all view distance near. Some of your specs are at least 2x better than mine. My Radeon 9600Pro has 256 MB Pro, my RAM is 1 GB and processor is 2.4 Ghz Pentium 4. My OS is WinXP Pro. So video card and RAM is out of the question. It could be Vista or your processor. Also note that of the three games you listed, Oblivion has the highest requirement, so do expect Oblivion's to lag. Maybe you have some software or application running in the background that doesn't affect those three games but becomes apparent in Oblivion.
Well, I just found out that my graphics card driver wasn't completely up to date. Vista told me it was. Good old Vista. Good enough to throw off a bridge. Anyway, I'm downloading that now and I am running a system defrag among other things. Maybe that will fix the problem, but somehow I doubt it.
I doubt it too, but for your sake I hope it works. If not, try installing XP :P.
If only I could. When I bought my computer, I didn't realize that most of the components are Vista-dependant. Vista, it's like a virus. Oh well.
Just in case anyone is still looking, I ran some tests and found out that the processor is to blame. The normal resting usage while playing Oblivion is around 50-60%. Whenever the usage jumps above 75%, I get lag. It's not unplayable, especially on low settings, but I am considering replacing the processor. Now I've just got to find out what the recommended speed is for a dual core processor with Vista. Since Vista isn't officially supported, that may be a problem.
have any of you guys ever played oblivion on a laptop?
mirrors edge dlc
http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/57314 this says its out but has anyone found this for pc i really want this dlc any of u guys know?mirrors edge dlc
It's not for the PC. Give it time and users will have made the same maps for free.mirrors edge dlc
Pure Time Trial Map Pack'' for Mirror's Edge will be available for PC, um i think it is
It's not on EA store. I guess it might be a few days. They will probably have it on steam too (I guess)
It's not for the PC. Give it time and users will have made the same maps for free.mirrors edge dlc
Pure Time Trial Map Pack'' for Mirror's Edge will be available for PC, um i think it is
It's not on EA store. I guess it might be a few days. They will probably have it on steam too (I guess)
Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
nd Was thinking about buying Crysis now I have a new PC and what not so I downloaded the demo and was able to run everything on High and V High at 1920x1200 so I was like cool. Was running about enjoying it all till I got to that bit where your on like a slope and and come across the real Korean little base place. Was finding it awsome with the graphics hiding in amongst trees and stuff and then like shooting them silently but then it all seemed to go **** up, it seemed to take like 6-7 shot straight to the body to actually kill someone with the machine gun thing. I found this totally ruined the whole experience of being stealthy and what not. I am pretty sure all my bullets were hitting and when even in close combat it seemed to take an insane amount of bullets to actually kill someone. Does it really take this many bullets in Crysis to kill someone or am I just doing something very wrong or missing something? Thanks.Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
Depends on the difficulty, but it's 1 shot to the head. Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
[QUOTE=''RcV2'']Was finding it awsome with the graphics hiding in amongst trees and stuff and then like shooting them silently but then it all seemed to go **** up, it seemed to take like 6-7 shot straight to the body to actually kill someone with the machine gun thing. I found this totally ruined the whole experience of being stealthy and what not. I am pretty sure all my bullets were hitting and when even in close combat it seemed to take an insane amount of bullets to actually kill someone.Does it really take this many bullets in Crysis to kill someone or am I just doing something very wrong or missing something?Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Aim for the head all the time. The body armour on the enemies in Crysis seems to be pretty heavy. Its usually a one hit kill to the head with pretty much any weapon. I'm not sure if helmets are a factor too. They might be.
Hope I helped. :)
In Delta -I see no reason to play in lower dif. levels- :1-Silencers reduces your damage. I suggest to disable it for killing faster.2-Full auto firing increased the cone of spread of bullets. Use selective fire -single shot- and Strenght mode to reduce the recoil. 3-Usually human targets die in 1 face shot or 2 helmet shot. Try to aim to legs, also, because chest is protected by body armor in most cases. Back usually takes 2-3 shots. All of this talking about the SCAR and FY damage. Sniper Rifle usually kills in 1 to 2 chest shots or 1 headshot. Elite KPA soldiers will need 2 headshots with Sniper Rifle or Gauss Rifle to be killed (3 in the chest or limbs). 4-In mp, Gauss is insta kill in bot chest and head shots, 2 shots in legs or arms. Main weapons -sub-machine gun, FY, SCAR- can kill in 7-8 hits if they shot in limbs; headshots usually takes 2-3 impacts. 5-Yes, aparently weapons aren't as lethal in Crysis -because the amount of impacts to kill- but the firing rate is VERY high and in the campaign aimed shots to heads and limbs can cut throught KPA and lesser aliens like a hot knife cuts an ice cream.
Well, Silencer+Kevlar= Infinite shotsI want what they're wearing.Otherwise it's about 4 shots. 1 to the head.
Or you could just install the real weapons mod.Makes bullets lethal!
I don't know about you but it takes me like 3 headshots to kill someone with a non-silenced gun. It might be my fps though...
They fixed that with the first patch I think, now it only takes one shot to the head or a few to the chest
Another tactic I like to use is create a loud noise to get the enemies attention. Then you stealth. As the enemies group up and cautiously walk to the source of the sound, throw a grenade in the middle of them. Then you open fire, aiming at thier legs, preventing them from fleeing effectivly. If the shots don't kill them, the grenade will. And survivors will be scattered for easy picking. :)
Okay then thank you, will probably still buy the game
Depends on the difficulty, but it's 1 shot to the head. Crysis How Many Shots to Kill?
[QUOTE=''RcV2'']Was finding it awsome with the graphics hiding in amongst trees and stuff and then like shooting them silently but then it all seemed to go **** up, it seemed to take like 6-7 shot straight to the body to actually kill someone with the machine gun thing. I found this totally ruined the whole experience of being stealthy and what not. I am pretty sure all my bullets were hitting and when even in close combat it seemed to take an insane amount of bullets to actually kill someone.Does it really take this many bullets in Crysis to kill someone or am I just doing something very wrong or missing something?Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Aim for the head all the time. The body armour on the enemies in Crysis seems to be pretty heavy. Its usually a one hit kill to the head with pretty much any weapon. I'm not sure if helmets are a factor too. They might be.
Hope I helped. :)
In Delta -I see no reason to play in lower dif. levels- :1-Silencers reduces your damage. I suggest to disable it for killing faster.2-Full auto firing increased the cone of spread of bullets. Use selective fire -single shot- and Strenght mode to reduce the recoil. 3-Usually human targets die in 1 face shot or 2 helmet shot. Try to aim to legs, also, because chest is protected by body armor in most cases. Back usually takes 2-3 shots. All of this talking about the SCAR and FY damage. Sniper Rifle usually kills in 1 to 2 chest shots or 1 headshot. Elite KPA soldiers will need 2 headshots with Sniper Rifle or Gauss Rifle to be killed (3 in the chest or limbs). 4-In mp, Gauss is insta kill in bot chest and head shots, 2 shots in legs or arms. Main weapons -sub-machine gun, FY, SCAR- can kill in 7-8 hits if they shot in limbs; headshots usually takes 2-3 impacts. 5-Yes, aparently weapons aren't as lethal in Crysis -because the amount of impacts to kill- but the firing rate is VERY high and in the campaign aimed shots to heads and limbs can cut throught KPA and lesser aliens like a hot knife cuts an ice cream.
Well, Silencer+Kevlar= Infinite shotsI want what they're wearing.Otherwise it's about 4 shots. 1 to the head.
Or you could just install the real weapons mod.Makes bullets lethal!
I don't know about you but it takes me like 3 headshots to kill someone with a non-silenced gun. It might be my fps though...
They fixed that with the first patch I think, now it only takes one shot to the head or a few to the chest
Another tactic I like to use is create a loud noise to get the enemies attention. Then you stealth. As the enemies group up and cautiously walk to the source of the sound, throw a grenade in the middle of them. Then you open fire, aiming at thier legs, preventing them from fleeing effectivly. If the shots don't kill them, the grenade will. And survivors will be scattered for easy picking. :)
Okay then thank you, will probably still buy the game
Which fiesta online person should i choose? should i choose now?!?!? confused :?
ok, so i started fiesta like 5 months agohavent played alot but im lvl 23 , i have 115s i changed my hair with a beauty shop coupon before and im a fighter. but its getting boring! I like fighters , but i LOVE archers but im not sure if i should leave my fighter and my my new main char my archer, any my fighter has a stupid name (suga_warrior) while my archer has a cooler name (CrystalShot)which should i choose? plz help :?I MEAN RLY, PLEAAAASSSEEEEEWhich fiesta online person should i choose? should i choose now?!?!? confused :?
bump?Which fiesta online person should i choose? should i choose now?!?!? confused :?
I have played Fiesta online for a long time and I find a not bad site to buy Fiesta online gold on Google .At first,I do not believe it , I think it is the same as those fraud stores online .who can not obey their promise .I was cheated several times ,so I was very carefully .But after trying , I find it is really a good site to buy Cronous online .It provide fast delivery .when they confirm your payment ,they will arrange trade with you in the game soon. Also, they have professional person 24hours online to solve your problems .They have a large stock to ensure your trade If you want your hero strong in game, please try http://www.mmovo.com/blackheads scars
bump?Which fiesta online person should i choose? should i choose now?!?!? confused :?
I have played Fiesta online for a long time and I find a not bad site to buy Fiesta online gold on Google .At first,I do not believe it , I think it is the same as those fraud stores online .who can not obey their promise .I was cheated several times ,so I was very carefully .But after trying , I find it is really a good site to buy Cronous online .It provide fast delivery .when they confirm your payment ,they will arrange trade with you in the game soon. Also, they have professional person 24hours online to solve your problems .They have a large stock to ensure your trade If you want your hero strong in game, please try http://www.mmovo.com/
Thoughts on Mount and Blade?
Im about to play the demo for this game it looks pretty cool and ive heard some great things about it and some not so great thingsi just wanted to hear what Gamespot members think of this game thanks in advance Thoughts on Mount and Blade?
It's really fun at the start, but after about 25hours of play, I don't know what to do. It takes about 60days to build anything in villages/cities. I've already captured a city (fights for cities are awesome) and 2 castles. The game is quite good though. It's not very often that a game will suprise you 25hours in (I ran into some bandits raiding my village and you get to fight em). I also captured a king. There are tons of maps (multiple village, castle, and city layouts. All of which you can walk through). The RPG elements are lighter than oblivion. It remindeds me of Deus Ex and Medieval 2 Total War. The only way they could make this game better would be to add more commands for your troops and have a morale system so you can rout enemy units. Thoughts on Mount and Blade?
Graphics are pretty poor, even by 2001 standards. The game is really, really rough around the edges, and its not worth $50.Despite that, its a fairly fun game. But you'll either really, really like it, or completely hate it. It does mounted combat better than any other game i've seen. It is a bit repetative and you aren't likely to pick it up once you complete it (which could take several weeks or months to beat).The mod community for it is fairly active, but the frequet release of new versions makes it hard to find compatible mods for any version of the game.It hard to say more about the game than ''its not for everyone.'' It manages some aspects really well, and in othes it falls completely flat.
[QUOTE=''Swiftstrike5'']It's really fun at the start, but after about 25hours of play, I don't know what to do. [/QUOTE]
Go help one of the people who want to claim a faction's throne. (find them through the travelers in taverns).
I love the game, well worth my $25. Probably the only single player game that can keep me interested currently.
I got it for 15 bucks on Steam when they had a sale and I put many hours into it. It was well worth the money. Pretty fun game, I'm commanding a king and his army around currently and taking castles and stuff.
Firstly, the game costs 30$ USD. Second the graphics are good, they might not be at a level of games of 2007/2008 but the game still looks good and definetly is better looking than games in 2001. There is be an expansion soon that will improve the graphics. Also my 4 year old computer can not run the game at full graphical setting. (7800 GTX 256b, 2 gigs ram, 2.4 AMD Athlon 64). This game was made by few people, started only by 2. Indi game with a low budget.The game itself is definitely not for everyone. I have been playing the game since beta version 0.894 and still playing it, puting over 100 hours into the game. Currently I am playing a mod which makes the game much harder. I played crysis demo didnt like it and havent played the full version (I ran the demo at 25-30 fps on med settings). But I didnt hesitate to buy this game. This game is fun and the game does not need amazing graphics to be fun. Thats the problem with current games, too much work goes into creating eye poping graphics that the developers have little time to work on anything else. Overall, great game, fun, has a huge modding community.
Excellent game. One of the best games released this generation.
Great game. I've been playing Beta for years. It's a game that you will really enjoy for the style of combat. A lot of replayable - I pick it up every fews months or so and feel like I've played it for the first time. Graphics are not technically great but there still nice detail to the modules and equipment. The developers are working on an expansion that will upgrade the engine and improve graphics. Technically, it's a sandbox game. While there are plenty of quests and things to do, even some trade and commerce, there's really no true central story. You basically play it how you want to and make your own goals and stories. However, there is a huge modding community that's been in existence for years. A lot of mods add more features and storylines to the game incuding things like LOTR, historical based scenarios, star wars, western - you name it.
Great Game.. It does tend to be a bit boring after your done heaps like I have.. I Think im in the 200-300 day stage..
It's one of those games that's amazing and addictive for a bit then all of a sudden it just dies on you. Like others have said once you reach a certain point then the game really becomes somewhat dull and repetitive, but you'll get 20-30 hours before that feeling starts to kick in. Quite a few mods around to help alleviate that feeling too, Native Expansion and Hegemony are some of the better ones around.
It's really fun at the start, but after about 25hours of play, I don't know what to do. It takes about 60days to build anything in villages/cities. I've already captured a city (fights for cities are awesome) and 2 castles. The game is quite good though. It's not very often that a game will suprise you 25hours in (I ran into some bandits raiding my village and you get to fight em). I also captured a king. There are tons of maps (multiple village, castle, and city layouts. All of which you can walk through). The RPG elements are lighter than oblivion. It remindeds me of Deus Ex and Medieval 2 Total War. The only way they could make this game better would be to add more commands for your troops and have a morale system so you can rout enemy units. Thoughts on Mount and Blade?
Graphics are pretty poor, even by 2001 standards. The game is really, really rough around the edges, and its not worth $50.Despite that, its a fairly fun game. But you'll either really, really like it, or completely hate it. It does mounted combat better than any other game i've seen. It is a bit repetative and you aren't likely to pick it up once you complete it (which could take several weeks or months to beat).The mod community for it is fairly active, but the frequet release of new versions makes it hard to find compatible mods for any version of the game.It hard to say more about the game than ''its not for everyone.'' It manages some aspects really well, and in othes it falls completely flat.
[QUOTE=''Swiftstrike5'']It's really fun at the start, but after about 25hours of play, I don't know what to do. [/QUOTE]
Go help one of the people who want to claim a faction's throne. (find them through the travelers in taverns).
I love the game, well worth my $25. Probably the only single player game that can keep me interested currently.
I got it for 15 bucks on Steam when they had a sale and I put many hours into it. It was well worth the money. Pretty fun game, I'm commanding a king and his army around currently and taking castles and stuff.
Firstly, the game costs 30$ USD. Second the graphics are good, they might not be at a level of games of 2007/2008 but the game still looks good and definetly is better looking than games in 2001. There is be an expansion soon that will improve the graphics. Also my 4 year old computer can not run the game at full graphical setting. (7800 GTX 256b, 2 gigs ram, 2.4 AMD Athlon 64). This game was made by few people, started only by 2. Indi game with a low budget.The game itself is definitely not for everyone. I have been playing the game since beta version 0.894 and still playing it, puting over 100 hours into the game. Currently I am playing a mod which makes the game much harder. I played crysis demo didnt like it and havent played the full version (I ran the demo at 25-30 fps on med settings). But I didnt hesitate to buy this game. This game is fun and the game does not need amazing graphics to be fun. Thats the problem with current games, too much work goes into creating eye poping graphics that the developers have little time to work on anything else. Overall, great game, fun, has a huge modding community.
Excellent game. One of the best games released this generation.
Great game. I've been playing Beta for years. It's a game that you will really enjoy for the style of combat. A lot of replayable - I pick it up every fews months or so and feel like I've played it for the first time. Graphics are not technically great but there still nice detail to the modules and equipment. The developers are working on an expansion that will upgrade the engine and improve graphics. Technically, it's a sandbox game. While there are plenty of quests and things to do, even some trade and commerce, there's really no true central story. You basically play it how you want to and make your own goals and stories. However, there is a huge modding community that's been in existence for years. A lot of mods add more features and storylines to the game incuding things like LOTR, historical based scenarios, star wars, western - you name it.
Great Game.. It does tend to be a bit boring after your done heaps like I have.. I Think im in the 200-300 day stage..
It's one of those games that's amazing and addictive for a bit then all of a sudden it just dies on you. Like others have said once you reach a certain point then the game really becomes somewhat dull and repetitive, but you'll get 20-30 hours before that feeling starts to kick in. Quite a few mods around to help alleviate that feeling too, Native Expansion and Hegemony are some of the better ones around.
Red Alert 3 help
When i beat the last level in the soviets, it just repeats and starts the last level again..Red Alert 3 help
in communist russia....game beats you.
in communist russia....game beats you.
UT3 help- new
Well when i chose the campaign, the movie starts but at the same point each time it stops responding and an error report appears, but the sound still plays untill i click on something else, which then makes the sound loop and the game to close. Can anyone help please?UT3 help- new
Its strange though because i just played an online match and that worked.
Its strange though because i just played an online match and that worked.
I need help in Fable: The lost chapters
Well, pretty much I play Fable, I save my game, then I can close. Then I open my game and I can load my game. But when I restart my computer and load up Fable all my saves are gone. Anyone got a fix to this ?I need help in Fable: The lost chapters
Hmmm maybe you drive is wiping your temp files.. everytime you restart your comps..I need help in Fable: The lost chapters
try system restore
Hmmm maybe you drive is wiping your temp files.. everytime you restart your comps..I need help in Fable: The lost chapters
try system restore
Street Fighter IV PC Anticipation for Feb 20, 2009.
If this game has great online than I really can't see why I wouldn't get this game for the PC. Maybe not at launch, but certainly when the game drops in price a bit. Street Fighter IV PC Anticipation for Feb 20, 2009.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't Street Fighter IV coming later in the yeear for the PC? got to admit, the art style is fantastic though, can't wait for this game.
[QUOTE=''OoSuperMarioO'']As a PC gamer it makes me proud to see Capcom's ongoing support to our platform, opening much more variety for gaming on a PC[\QUOTE]
then why no RE5 on PC??
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''OoSuperMarioO'']As a PC gamer it makes me proud to see Capcom's ongoing support to our platform, opening much more variety for gaming on a PC.
[/QUOTE]I agree Supe.Capcom has been on the wrong end of the PC crowd's whipping stick before, but regardless they are persistent and have made great improvements in supporting the platform most recently.I'm looking forward to this. For gamepads on the PC, I'm most accustomed to the 360 these days. However, for a better d-pad, I might actually get around to connecting one of my PS3 gamepads on the PC :D (either that or one of my old PS2 controllers -- the PC gamepad of choice before I started using the 360's).[QUOTE=''POJO_MOFO'']then why no RE5 on PC??[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=''POJO_MOFO''] then why no RE5 on PC??[/QUOTE]http://kotaku.com/5076483/resident-evil-5-dated-for-pc
I just pre-ordered the game on Amazon for 36.99. Can't beat that.
Yo...... Do you have that SFIV banner in larger size? I wanna use it as a wallpaper..... thx
if this has good online then i probably will get it and despite what people say about capcom they have done a great job of supporting the pc where other developers have simply ignored it.
[QUOTE=''Bean-jr'']Yo...... Do you have that SFIV banner in larger size? I wanna use it as a wallpaper..... thx[/QUOTE]Hey there, http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs21/f/2007/241/8/9/Street_Fighter_Street_Jam_by_UdonCrew.jpg
Nice post, TC. I normally don't buy fighting games, but I really like the artstyle and Street Fighter characters, so I'm considering this one.
[QUOTE=''Bean-jr'']Yo...... Do you have that SFIV banner in larger size? I wanna use it as a wallpaper..... thx[/QUOTE]
me too
I love the Street Fighter games and I have been tracking this ever since it was announced. But I'll be getting it on PS3, the main and only reason because I'll be playing offline multiplayer with family %26 friends. I'm not going to rule out getting it for the PC though at some stage because CAPCOM great credit to them indeed they are releasing traditional console games like DMC4, SFIV on the PC and they are proper ports also. I hope it sells well.
[QUOTE=''pcgamer_07'']I love the Street Fighter games and I have been tracking this ever since it was announced. But I'll be getting it on PS3, the main and only reason because I'll be playing offline multiplayer with family %26 friends. I'm not going to rule out getting it for the PC though at some stage because CAPCOM great credit to them indeed they are releasing traditional console games like DMC4, SFIV on the PC and they are proper ports also. I hope it sells well.[/QUOTE]Yea I see what you mean with local multiplayer. Nothing is more satisfying then getting a group of buds and rocking out on the retro Street Fighters. Arcades should be a bonus for both Console and PC users to carry over their home skills to compete against some of the best players the Arcades has to offer.
capcom deserves a lot of respect for the work they've done towards the pc platform.
hey its february 20th right now :)))
SuperMario, I thought you left.
Hey hey I thought you were gone supermario. Good to see you're back anyway
Oops old thread :D
Empire Total War Demo--Why the Wait?
As of today, there is still no Empire Total War Demo. How come? The games supposed release date is March 3rd, which is only 3 weeks away. I recall a Rome Total War Demo being released well in advance of the actual game, and Medieval Total War 2 followed suit with a demo being released sometime before the game. Any guesses on the delay of the demo?Empire Total War Demo--Why the Wait?
maybe there won't be a demo. I don't recall them ever announcing that there would be oneEmpire Total War Demo--Why the Wait?
[QUOTE=''AntoniustheGrey'']As of today, there is still no Empire Total War Demo. How come? The games supposed release date is March 3rd, which is only 3 weeks away. I recall a Rome Total War Demo being released well in advance of the actual game, and Medieval Total War 2 followed suit with a demo being released sometime before the game.
Any guesses on the delay of the demo?[/QUOTE]
Delay? They never confirmed a demo in the first place..people need to stop assuming things...a demo was never promise...iif one does come out t will be here before the game release be patient...and wait for it to come out.
They're still working on the demo. They said ''it's coming very soon,'' but they assured us it will be out before the release of the game.
Yeah Maybe Tommorrow..? Or Maybe next week I hope.. They said they would be a demo somewhere I remember..
They have an e-mail reminder sign-up thing on their website for when the demo releases, so there will definitely be a demo.
They need a demo for this game. We need to benchmark how well our computers are going to run the game.
[QUOTE=''Wasdie'']They need a demo for this game. We need to benchmark how well our computers are going to run the game.[/QUOTE]Yeah I agree--we need a demo. I would do the sign up for the sega website, but gamespot is going to tell us asap also I think.
dont know man i've been waiting for it for the past ten days. its one of my most anticipated titles for 2009 and the wait is killing me
There won't be a demo, end of story.
[QUOTE=''lucky326'']There won't be a demo, end of story.[/QUOTE]
Where did you get this info from?
Demo is coming soon. They are still trying to make the demo ''just right'' or whatever.
From the TW/CA forums concerning the demo: Hello All.
Where to start? Well first of all yes we are aware a version of our incomplete demo code has been leaked via Steam. We had great fun watching it being played live on webcam, I can assure you.
The easiest way to address all this is to do a short QA ****format, any subsequent questions please just ask and I'll answer.
i. If the demo was ready and on steam why didn't you just release it?
The demo was on Steam only for testing purposes, we knew there was a small chance it could become public if someone found the right way to get at it and someone did. It's since been removed. It wasn't ready for a public release and we have a bit more to do on it. We were testing to ensure that when a demo is released nobody has any problems accessing and authenticating it via Steam. It's slightly dangerous code security wise but at some point we had to test it.
ii. Why did you close all the threads and info on the demo?
The real answer is 'duplication'. Having a leak is embarrasing but it's not too bad. We just didn't want the method of 'how' to be shared. We're aware everyone wants the code and the demo but this isn't ready yet. It might look ready, but there is genuinly more to do. Hence we needed to ensure the 'how to' isn't rapidly duplicated before we can remove the code. We don't want thousands of you having incomplete code. I know it's maddening, but think of it like this: We take pride in polishing things at CA, even if its behind the code stuff that goes unseen, it's important to us that quality is our top priority (You may remember we even moved the release date for this reason) so please understand this is our love and we don't do 'just good enough', with demos or full releases.
iii. When will we get the demo we want?
I'm not toying with you when I say very soon. It really isn't too far away. Annoyingly I can't put a date on it, because development is not a quantative process. There will be a demo for general release and it will be soon, it's not a hype machine it's quality control.
iv. What about the guy that did it?
I want to say something a little controversial here. The exploit was our weakness, and as long as he didn't break any user agreements or laws in getting hold of the demo via Steam then there's no issue here, but that is for Valve to confirm not me. From CA's point of view I want to give the guy my thanks and respect that he's said he deliberately won't pirate the incomplete demo he's got out of respect for the game, I hope he stays true to that statement. He was also really rather complimentary in his commentary whilst playing live and whilst I can't condone or encourage what he did I would suggest that when demoing live one should always try grouping ships in custom formation (Organise then hit g on selected ships) and also account for the wind a little more when playing. In all seriousness, I can't speak about any potential legal issues but what I can say from the dev perspective is, we hoped you liked it (Those watching as well as him playing) despite it being unfinished and thanks for respecting our game and our community at large by ceasing broadcast and not redistributing. We'd ask that that be the end of the matter so we can leave it in the friendly spirit it's at now.
Now, let the questions and statements begin!
Kind regards,
Kieran http://shoguntotalwar.yuku.com/topic/42290/t/THE-DEMO.html
This should answer what questions you have for the demo.
Thanks for that last post--it really helped out to clear some things up. I think regardless though we're all on our toes here for a demo. I was expcting a release maybe a month ago, but that was baseless of me to think. I'm still waiting though, and even though I know I'll probably love the game, I'm not pre purchasing the game till I play something. What about any of you? Have any of you pre purchased it or plan on doing so? Or are you waiting for release of the actual game or demo, or perhaps a review?
I'm waiting to test the AI. I don't mind an AI that can't put up much of a challenge, but I hate it when my units don't follow my orders (MTW2 was plagued with AI bugs and it's frustrating). I would account 90% of my unit loss to my AI not following my orders correctly. Empire sounds like the enemy AI has been improved drasticly, but I still want to know about unit control. Otherwise, I would purchase the game this instant.
Yeah I don't mind about enemy AI too much either and I definitely understand about Unit orders. It was particularly annoying when I would click cavalry to charge and instead of drawing their lances would sort of half run half walk into the enemy. Hopefully those sorts of issues get fixed.I am sort of worried about Empire total wars map though looks like there aren't too many cities this time around. I could be wrong but from my observation it doesn't look like too many provinces are popping up.Still, waiting for this games demo has been one heck of a drag. I remember when I got the Rome Total War demo I kept playing the same two levels over and over, I was fascinated.
I have been playing Age of Empires III to help satisfy my craving for the game. But, it is like getting only half a cupcake.
They have to patch all there games, so the delay was pointless. This demo shouldn't be taking this long, the content is already there, so why don't they just release and add a time limit.
That's what I don't understand. The content is there, but they don't want to release it in fear of showing a game that needs a lot of touching up. Ok, that's fine. Now I'm not familiar with the whole programming/design aspect or how long it takes, but if its three weeks till a release date, shouldn't there be something on the table (demo wise) that shows the game off. At this point, I'm expecting to go to the store to buy the game and there's going to be some special offer like ''Free demo with purchase of game''. That would be funny. But that's really just how close it's cutting it.At this point I wonder if they are going to push back the release date again. If we were talking about it's original release date, it would only be days away. Maybe the demo will come out on the original release date of Empire Total War? Pure speculation.
[QUOTE=''AntoniustheGrey'']That's what I don't understand. The content is there, but they don't want to release it in fear of showing a game that needs a lot of touching up. Ok, that's fine. Now I'm not familiar with the whole programming/design aspect or how long it takes, but if its three weeks till a release date, shouldn't there be something on the table (demo wise) that shows the game off. At this point, I'm expecting to go to the store to buy the game and there's going to be some special offer like ''Free demo with purchase of game''. That would be funny. But that's really just how close it's cutting it.At this point I wonder if they are going to push back the release date again. If we were talking about it's original release date, it would only be days away. Maybe the demo will come out on the original release date of Empire Total War? Pure speculation.[/QUOTE]That would be quite amusing but the real reason i want this demo is to see how well my system can cope with the game,I dont want to buy the game and than find out i need an upgradeblackheads scars
maybe there won't be a demo. I don't recall them ever announcing that there would be oneEmpire Total War Demo--Why the Wait?
[QUOTE=''AntoniustheGrey'']As of today, there is still no Empire Total War Demo. How come? The games supposed release date is March 3rd, which is only 3 weeks away. I recall a Rome Total War Demo being released well in advance of the actual game, and Medieval Total War 2 followed suit with a demo being released sometime before the game.
Any guesses on the delay of the demo?[/QUOTE]
Delay? They never confirmed a demo in the first place..people need to stop assuming things...a demo was never promise...iif one does come out t will be here before the game release be patient...and wait for it to come out.
They're still working on the demo. They said ''it's coming very soon,'' but they assured us it will be out before the release of the game.
Yeah Maybe Tommorrow..? Or Maybe next week I hope.. They said they would be a demo somewhere I remember..
They have an e-mail reminder sign-up thing on their website for when the demo releases, so there will definitely be a demo.
They need a demo for this game. We need to benchmark how well our computers are going to run the game.
[QUOTE=''Wasdie'']They need a demo for this game. We need to benchmark how well our computers are going to run the game.[/QUOTE]Yeah I agree--we need a demo. I would do the sign up for the sega website, but gamespot is going to tell us asap also I think.
dont know man i've been waiting for it for the past ten days. its one of my most anticipated titles for 2009 and the wait is killing me
There won't be a demo, end of story.
[QUOTE=''lucky326'']There won't be a demo, end of story.[/QUOTE]
Where did you get this info from?
Demo is coming soon. They are still trying to make the demo ''just right'' or whatever.
From the TW/CA forums concerning the demo: Hello All.
Where to start? Well first of all yes we are aware a version of our incomplete demo code has been leaked via Steam. We had great fun watching it being played live on webcam, I can assure you.
The easiest way to address all this is to do a short QA ****format, any subsequent questions please just ask and I'll answer.
i. If the demo was ready and on steam why didn't you just release it?
The demo was on Steam only for testing purposes, we knew there was a small chance it could become public if someone found the right way to get at it and someone did. It's since been removed. It wasn't ready for a public release and we have a bit more to do on it. We were testing to ensure that when a demo is released nobody has any problems accessing and authenticating it via Steam. It's slightly dangerous code security wise but at some point we had to test it.
ii. Why did you close all the threads and info on the demo?
The real answer is 'duplication'. Having a leak is embarrasing but it's not too bad. We just didn't want the method of 'how' to be shared. We're aware everyone wants the code and the demo but this isn't ready yet. It might look ready, but there is genuinly more to do. Hence we needed to ensure the 'how to' isn't rapidly duplicated before we can remove the code. We don't want thousands of you having incomplete code. I know it's maddening, but think of it like this: We take pride in polishing things at CA, even if its behind the code stuff that goes unseen, it's important to us that quality is our top priority (You may remember we even moved the release date for this reason) so please understand this is our love and we don't do 'just good enough', with demos or full releases.
iii. When will we get the demo we want?
I'm not toying with you when I say very soon. It really isn't too far away. Annoyingly I can't put a date on it, because development is not a quantative process. There will be a demo for general release and it will be soon, it's not a hype machine it's quality control.
iv. What about the guy that did it?
I want to say something a little controversial here. The exploit was our weakness, and as long as he didn't break any user agreements or laws in getting hold of the demo via Steam then there's no issue here, but that is for Valve to confirm not me. From CA's point of view I want to give the guy my thanks and respect that he's said he deliberately won't pirate the incomplete demo he's got out of respect for the game, I hope he stays true to that statement. He was also really rather complimentary in his commentary whilst playing live and whilst I can't condone or encourage what he did I would suggest that when demoing live one should always try grouping ships in custom formation (Organise then hit g on selected ships) and also account for the wind a little more when playing. In all seriousness, I can't speak about any potential legal issues but what I can say from the dev perspective is, we hoped you liked it (Those watching as well as him playing) despite it being unfinished and thanks for respecting our game and our community at large by ceasing broadcast and not redistributing. We'd ask that that be the end of the matter so we can leave it in the friendly spirit it's at now.
Now, let the questions and statements begin!
Kind regards,
Kieran http://shoguntotalwar.yuku.com/topic/42290/t/THE-DEMO.html
This should answer what questions you have for the demo.
Thanks for that last post--it really helped out to clear some things up. I think regardless though we're all on our toes here for a demo. I was expcting a release maybe a month ago, but that was baseless of me to think. I'm still waiting though, and even though I know I'll probably love the game, I'm not pre purchasing the game till I play something. What about any of you? Have any of you pre purchased it or plan on doing so? Or are you waiting for release of the actual game or demo, or perhaps a review?
I'm waiting to test the AI. I don't mind an AI that can't put up much of a challenge, but I hate it when my units don't follow my orders (MTW2 was plagued with AI bugs and it's frustrating). I would account 90% of my unit loss to my AI not following my orders correctly. Empire sounds like the enemy AI has been improved drasticly, but I still want to know about unit control. Otherwise, I would purchase the game this instant.
Yeah I don't mind about enemy AI too much either and I definitely understand about Unit orders. It was particularly annoying when I would click cavalry to charge and instead of drawing their lances would sort of half run half walk into the enemy. Hopefully those sorts of issues get fixed.I am sort of worried about Empire total wars map though looks like there aren't too many cities this time around. I could be wrong but from my observation it doesn't look like too many provinces are popping up.Still, waiting for this games demo has been one heck of a drag. I remember when I got the Rome Total War demo I kept playing the same two levels over and over, I was fascinated.
I have been playing Age of Empires III to help satisfy my craving for the game. But, it is like getting only half a cupcake.
They have to patch all there games, so the delay was pointless. This demo shouldn't be taking this long, the content is already there, so why don't they just release and add a time limit.
That's what I don't understand. The content is there, but they don't want to release it in fear of showing a game that needs a lot of touching up. Ok, that's fine. Now I'm not familiar with the whole programming/design aspect or how long it takes, but if its three weeks till a release date, shouldn't there be something on the table (demo wise) that shows the game off. At this point, I'm expecting to go to the store to buy the game and there's going to be some special offer like ''Free demo with purchase of game''. That would be funny. But that's really just how close it's cutting it.At this point I wonder if they are going to push back the release date again. If we were talking about it's original release date, it would only be days away. Maybe the demo will come out on the original release date of Empire Total War? Pure speculation.
[QUOTE=''AntoniustheGrey'']That's what I don't understand. The content is there, but they don't want to release it in fear of showing a game that needs a lot of touching up. Ok, that's fine. Now I'm not familiar with the whole programming/design aspect or how long it takes, but if its three weeks till a release date, shouldn't there be something on the table (demo wise) that shows the game off. At this point, I'm expecting to go to the store to buy the game and there's going to be some special offer like ''Free demo with purchase of game''. That would be funny. But that's really just how close it's cutting it.At this point I wonder if they are going to push back the release date again. If we were talking about it's original release date, it would only be days away. Maybe the demo will come out on the original release date of Empire Total War? Pure speculation.[/QUOTE]That would be quite amusing but the real reason i want this demo is to see how well my system can cope with the game,I dont want to buy the game and than find out i need an upgrade
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